

POLSA Wants To Act As An Intermediary Body Between Industry And Science

President of the Polish Space Agency is endorsing the technology and innovation transfer, from the research institutes to the industry. The agency is going to provide assistance, within the process, the aim of which is to develop legal and formal solutions, required to transfer the technologies between the relevant bodies.  

President of the Polish Space Agency (POLSA), professor Marek Banaszkiewicz, stated, in his interview for the Newseria website, that he is endorsing the technology and innovation transfer, from the research institutes to the industry. In the light of the significant achievements of the Polish scientists and researchers, working on space exploration, POLSA is willing to initiate programmes that would support the relevant technology transfer for the industry. The main obstacle here is present in a form of a lack of legal and formal solutions related to the copyrights of the transferred know-how, and to the settlement of the potential profit. It is also possible that new research-industrial consortia are going to be established, in order to submit applications to the European Space Agency.

Poland has been an ESA member since 2012. Option of gaining financial support from ESA is going to become an impulse for the Polish industry, pushing the companies towards increased level of innovation. The ESA support would become one of the main driving factors, within the area of aerospace technologies. Contribution of the Polish companies to the ESA programmes has already gained high rating and good reputation abroad. Here we mean the Polish involvement in the Rosetta space probe, remote sensing or X-ray sun observations programmes.

Professor Banaszkiewicz also referred to the issue related to the Agency’s budget. In 2015 it is contained in an amount of PLN 10 million, and it probably is not going to be fully used, however, according to the POLSA president, it would be beneficial if the budget is expanded, taking the prospective projects into account. 


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