
Armed Forces

Rak Self-Propelled Mortars For The Polish Army. Contract Signed by the Polish MoD

  • PW-Sat – polski sztuczny satelita typu CubeSat, fot. Andrzej Kotarba/Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
    PW-Sat – polski sztuczny satelita typu CubeSat, fot. Andrzej Kotarba/Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Today, a procurement contract has been signed, related to the acquisition of the Rak 120 mm self-propelled mortars. PM Beata Szydło was involved in the event.

Polish Ministry of Defence announced that the signed agreement concerns 64 self-propelled mortars and 32 command vehicles. Value of the deal is defined as PLN 968.3 million. The deliveries are scheduled to be executed between 2017 and 2019.

The agreement has been concluded between the Armament Inspectorate, represented by Brig. General Adam Duda, and a consortium consisting of Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. (Stalowa Wola Ironworksacting as the leader) and Rosomak S.A. companies. The Contractor was represented by the President of the Board, General Director of the HSW S.A. company, Antoni Rusinek, and by a member of the Board, Director of Finances, Lidia Kołodziejska.

The event also involved the Polish Prime Minister, Beata Szydło, Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Defence, Bartosz Kownacki, General Commander of the Armed Forces, General Mirosław Różanski, and the Head of the Rocket and Artillery Component Management at the General Command of the Polish Armed Forces, Col. Sławomir Owczarek.

Some time ago, we published information suggesting that conclusion of the agreement pertaining the wheeled self-propelled Rak mortars procurement would take place in Stalowa Wola. The signed agreement would have covered 64 mortars along with 32 command vehicles which will be used by eight company-sized elements embedded within the structure of the motorized battalions using the Rosomak APCs. When it comes to some of the remaining elements of the unit, no information is available officially, regarding the qualification tests, which should be carried out prior to conclusion of the agreement.

Information Centre of the government, in its official announcement, informed that PM Beata Szydlo will take part in the event during which the agreement between the Ministry of Defence and the HSW S.A. company is going to be signed. 


