
Air Force

Gray-White Checkerboards for the Polish F-35s

Wizja F-35A z polskimi szachownicami
Artist vision of the Polish F-35, with lo-vis checkerboards.
Photo. Lockheed Martin

Works are underway, on changing the legislation, to make it possible to use low-vis checkerboards on the Polish F-35s, Wiesław Kukuła, Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces stated via X. General also outlined the reasons for not using the white-red checkerboards instead.


“No traditional white-red checkerboards would be used on the Polish F-35s. We will use a gray scale checkerboard, as defined by the coating technology. We are changing the legal regulations within that scope”, General Kukuła stated.


As he explained, the decision is made consciously, and stems, among other factors, from the information received on the impact the new checkerboard would have on diminishing the probability of detection.

“The F-35 in Poland is not for show - these jets are to deter [the adversary], and be ready for immediate use. Generally, it is a challenge to use anything that could enter a chemical reaction with the stealth coating, and this is a cost that we should not be burdened by”, General said.


He added that the Polish and Finnish F-35s would be stationed and conducting operations continuously remaining within reach of the Russian strike systems. Readiness times would play a critical role, when it comes to the jet’s survivability and operational capabilities, in the event of an attack targeting Poland. Here, all “details” count.

Almost all users of the 5th generation jets with stealth coatings decide to utilize lo-vis markings, matched with the RAM coating of the airframe. Not only is this a standard practice among the users of the US-made jets, but the Chinese also employ a similar strategy for their J-20, J-31, and J-35. The Russians are the only ones standing out in this crowd, painting their Su-57s in spectacular colour schemes, with colorful markings. This may only mean that Moscow does not own RAM technologies.


Name of the Polish F-35

The General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces also unveiled the official name for the Polish F-35s.


“Dear aviation geeks, we are joyfully announcing that the Polish F-35 jet has received its official name: HUSARZ! Thanks go to everyone who took part in the vote and got involved in the name selection process!” - this information was shared by the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces.


