Armed Forces
Change in US Garrison Command in Poland

Change happened in the US Garrison Command in Poland Col. Christopher M. Church ended his tour. He will be replaced by Col. Jesse G. Chace.
Col. Christopher Church has been the commander since June 2023, replacing Col. Jorge Fonsec.
„Changes are happening at Camp Kościuszko, in sunny Poznan, when it comes to the commander at US Army Garrison Poland. Col. Christopher M. Church ends his service in Poland, and he will now be replaced by Col. Jesse G. Chace.”
W Camp Kościuszko w słonecznym Poznaniu zmiany jeśli chodzi o dowódcę US Army Garrison Poland. Col. Christopher M. Church kończy swoją służbę w Polsce, a na jego miejsce przyjechał już Col. Jesse G. Chace. #StrongerTogether 🇺🇲🇵🇱@Defence24pl @USEmbassyWarsaw @USArmyEURAF
— Jacek M. Raubo (@JRaubo) June 27, 2024
The US Army Garrison in Poland is stationed at Camp Kościuszko in Poznań. Its role is to support units, soldiers, and their families, staying in Poland. The Garrison was formed in March 2023, as a part of a forward support group. The Garrison covers 11 locations, apart from the main base: Bolesławiec, a training centre in Drawsko Pomorskie, Karliki, Żagań, Lubliniec, Powidz, Skwierzyna, Toruń, and Trzebień. The unit supports ca. 7500 soldiers and civil personnel in Poland, 500 of which are stationed in Poznań alone. This is the eighth US Army garrison in Europe, and the first one in Poland. Establishing that garrison results on the grounds of the Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement concluded in 2020.
Forward US Army V Corps command is the key unit stationed at Camp Kościuszko. The V Corps is tied to the European military involvement of the US, dating back to 1918. During the Cold War, the Corps was responsible for defending the most challenging area in West Germany, the so-called Fulda Gap. It was disbanded in 2012.
On 11th February it was brought back to life by the Americans. The Kosciuszko association was assigned to the Corps on 22nd July 2022. The Forward Command of the Corps is stationed in Poznan. It is the top US Army command at this level in Europe. Fort Knox is its HQ.