MSPO 2018: KenBIT Presents New Warship- and Tank-dedicated Products

KenBIT premiered two new solutions during the MSPO 2018 event: SOL-2 laser warning receiver and AFRODYTA warships-dedicated internal communications suite.
On the 15th anniversary of its market presence, KenBIT presented two entirely new solutions during the MSPO event in Kielce. SOL-2 laser warning receiver for land platforms is the first of the demonstrated products. Its main purpose is to be used primarily on land platforms (but it may also be used on surface combatants, according to the manufacturer).
SOL-2 is a system destined to detect (with detection probability of at least 0.95) and warn the user about being hit with laser radiation emitted by laser target designators and laser rangefinders at distances between 0.4 and 6 kilometres. The system may also be coupled with self-protection countermeasures used by the given platform, activating the smoke grenade launchers for instance (in an automatic, semi-automatic or manual manner). The system may be coupled with 24 dispensers as such.
To make the above possible, SOL-2 enables the user to roughly determine the heading and elevation of the laser beam source (accuracy of 15 degrees in horizontal plane and up to 40 degrees in the vertical plane). Then the system warns the crew about the emerging threat. This may be done in two manners: visually - via the system’s central unit, onboard computers or intercom displays; and acoustically - via the onboard intercom. SOL-2 is connected to the vehicular BMS in a simple manner, via the Ethernet RS232/RS485 interface or via the CAN bus.
SOL-2 consists of two main elements: central control unit installed inside the vehicle and several sensors mounted outside (up to 10 detection sensors). The sensors and detectors are arranged in a layout dividing the space around the vehicle into 24 horizontal sectors (coverage of 360 degrees) and 3 vertical sectors (coverage between -30 to +90 degrees).
“Afrodyta” intercom is another new product offered by KenBIT. It has been designed on the basis of the experience gathered by KenBIT during the development of the Neptun integrated communications suite for the Polish ORP “Kormoran” minehunter. The system included both an external as well as internal communications subsystems. In the former case we were dealing with an original solution developed by KenBIT.

The ORP “Kormoran’s” internal communications suite has already been delivered by a foreign supplier which made it difficult to configure the solution in line with the specific requirements of the Polish Navy. For instance, the crew wanted to have an ability to increase the volume in noisy places. It turned out that the system had some limitations within that scope.
To avoid problems as such, KenBIT decided to develop own original solution, obtaining an ability to flexibly meet any conditions or requirements. The first examples of such intercom system are to be installed on the “Holownik” programme vessels built at the Remontowa Shipbuilding shipyard in Gdansk.
The demonstrator dedicated for the “Holownik” programme vessels and possibly for other Polish warships has been showcased in Kielce for the first time. The system is known under the codename “Afrodyta”. It consists of the AF-CENT central unit AF-PULPIT control panel and AF-TEL stations, a certain number of which is to be embedded on a ship. The AF-TEL “subscriber” stations feature subscriber line interfaces, a loudspeaker, microtelephone and a bluetooth connectivity system that makes it possible to connect wireless headphones to the station.
The manufacturer claims that Afrodyta provides the user with a Talk-Back voice intercom, also allowing him to send messages received from an external source to all or selected AF-TEL stations (repetition of the message from the main radio). The system is to provide connectivity as follows:
- AF-PULPIT - All or selected AF-TEL stations;
- AF-TEL station - AF-PULPIT.