
As it turns out, after the technical dialogue related to both types of ships have come to an end in July this year, an assessment was made to check whether a basic interest of national security is present in the undertaken initiative. This has been done on the basis of MON No. 92 decision made on March 21. 2014, regarding the detailed mode of proceedings within the scope of qualifying the orders and assessing whether the basic interest of national security is present.

Analytical-Concept phase has ended ultimately a month later. The phase regarded Miecznik coastal defence vessel (Swordfish) and Czapla patrol ship (Heron) programmes.

On the basis of Art. 8. section 1 of Act created on 26th June 2014, which regulates some agreements made in connection with realization of orders which may have a basic meaning for the national security (hereinafter referred to as an offset agreement), offset assumptions for Miecznik and Czapla programmes have been requested.

After the offset assumptions are obtained, procurement procedure will be started in accordance with MoD decision No. 118, made on 25th April 2013, regarding the rules and modes of granting the orders by the MoD within the areas of defence and national security (hereinafter referred to as Decision 118). Forecast is that this will happen in 4th Quarter of 2014.

The agreement with the contractor is to be signed next year.



