

Employees of the PCO Company Awarded

Image Credit: PCO
Image Credit: PCO

On the “Day of the Optoelectronics Expert”, selected employees of the PCO S.A. company have received “Distinguished” badges.

On the “Day of the Optoelectronics Expert”, selected employees of the PCO S.A. company have received “Distinguished” badges, in a gesture of appreciation concerning their efforts for the company. The introductory word on history of the company, its heritage and on the tradition related to the the event was included in a speech by Ryszard Kardasz, President of the Company. Stanisław Kaniak, Chairman of the Badge Chapter, has also made a speech during the event. Once the employees were awarded, a “Board of the Distinguished” 2017 has also been unveiled.

(...) continuous development and our market position result from the work of creative designers, technology experts, employees working with production and support. Thanks to our talented engineers and to the involvement of the crew, we are capable of professionally, and in a timely manner, manufacturing modern equipment for the Armed Forces and for the remaining uniformed services. We are appreciating the work of our staff, motivating our employees to make further effort and to develop themselves, and so the “Day of the Optoelectronics Expert” idea was born.

Ryszard Kardasz, President of the Board - PCO S.A.

President of the Management Board, Ryszard Kardasz, stressed the meaning the expertise, remaining at disposal of the human resources working at the company, bears for its business operations, also including development and manufacturing of a variety of optoelectronics. The products manufactured by PCO S.A. are being used by the Polish Armed Forces and the uniformed services, they also constitute a valuable export product. 

The procedure of awarding the employees with the honorary badge has been created back in 2010. The date on which the badges were awarded, in line with an arrangement made by the President of the Board, is known under the name of the “Day of the Optoelectronics Expert”. This is a form of acknowledgement for the employees working at the Polish Armaments Group’s company, manufacturing the optoelectronic systems.

Notably, back in December 2016, the Armament Inspectorate has signed an agreement with PCO S.A., concerning the procurement of optronic systems, with the value of the contract defined as more than PLN 352 million. The hardware acquired is going to be used, among other operators, by the Territorial Defence component of the Polish Armed Forces.



