

HSW’s Financial Results Exceeding the Plan

Image Credit: HSW
Image Credit: HSW

According to HSW, throughout the initial 10 months of 2018 the company has gained a net profit in an amount of 30 568.9 thousand zlotys. 

As the press release issued by HSW reads, this is a result better than the one achieved last year during an equivalent period (34.3 million zlotys more), while the company is recovering from many years of backlog, also with improved manufacturing and financial effectiveness. The result achieved for 10 months of 2018 is better than the planned one, with 32 601.8 thousand zlotys of extra profit.  The plan assumed that net profit would be shaped at the level of 2032.9 thousand zlotys.

The HSW S.A.’s financial results exceed the planned annual net profit (16 million zlotys) by 14.5 million zlotys.

Another month of good results shows that we have managed to reinforce the positive changes introduced over the last two years, at the production and technological level at HSW S.A. The company is rapidly approaching the assumed level of efficiency.

Board Member  and HSW S.A. Financial Director, Jacek Kosiński

Huta Stalowa Wola, which is a part of the Polish Armaments Group, is currently delivering Regina squadron fire modules (utilizing the Krab self propelled howitzers) and Rak company level fire modules (with self-propelled mortars) to the Polish military. During the MSPO 2018 event the company also showcased its NPBWP Borsuk platform. The amphibious IFV in question, and its development, are being co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development.

The company is also involved in an advanced research and development initiative pertaining to the ZSSW-30 unmanned turret, developed in collaboration within a consortium formed with WB Electronics. The system is going to be integrated on the Rosomak APCs and Borsuk IFVs. The offer of the company also includes Baobab scattered minelaying systems, Kryl sphs or Langusta 2 rocket launchers.


