MESKO S.A.: 3000 Grom MANPADS systems manufactured already

Mesko S.A. has manufactured the 3000th GROM MANPADS on 7th December 2021.
The meeting that celebrated this event involved the head of the National Defence Commission, Senator Jarosław Rusiecki, Elżbieta Śreniawska, President of the Management Board at MESKO S.A., Przemysław Kowalczuk, Member of the Board for Development, Marcin Ożóg, Member of the Board, and Zbigniew Drabik, Director of the Missile Division, among with personnel responsible for manufacturing the product.
Grom MANPADS [Man-Portable Air Defence System] has been a part of the inventory in the Polish Army since 1995. GROM MANPADS has been designed to act against air threats within visual range, including aircraft, rotary-winged aircraft, and other targets emitting IR radiation, flying towards the launcher, at a speed of up to 400 meters per second, and away from the launcher at a speed of up to 360 meters per second.
Not only has Grom proven its worth on the drawing board, but also in the battle. The order which is being delivered now is not the last of the export contracts on this product. Trade talks with foreign customers are underway today.
The 3000th Grom system belongs to the last lot manufactured this year that is soon going to become a part of the inventory of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
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