PGZ Exports Grow

PGZ Group successively expands its exports portfolio. Alongside the domestic market and civil markets, export is one of the three pillars that ensure financial stability of the group. Furthermore, this portion of sales also provides the Polish Armaments Group with funds required to further develop all of the companies gathered within its composition.
The Group currently remains active, offering its products, all around the world, presenting a rich products and services portfolio, both via the professional media outlets, as well as during closed demonstration events organized for the allied Armed Forces’ representatives.
– The results that we have managed to achieve in 2017 are, undoubtedly, a success. All of the entities that are gathered within the group have participated in that success.It shall be noted that the Polish Ministry of Defence has made an invaluable contribution to the results we’ve achieved. Together with the Ministry we have been presenting our offer during numerous prestigious defence industry events. – states Maciej Lew-Mirski, member of the Board at the PGZ Group. Lew-Mirski added that Asia and Middle East are considered by the PGZ Group to be most promising, within the scope of potential export sales.

As announced by PGZ, the exports portfolio of the Group undergoes continuous expansion. Throughout the year 2016 the export sales value was close to PLN 560 million. The Group secured PLN 860 million worth of contracts. In 2017 the Group achieved sales of 798 million zlotys thanks to the work performed, along with 1250 million zlotys gained on the grounds of the secured memoranda.
Throughout two years the PGZ Group has managed to double the quantity and value of the identified export projects. At the moment Polish Armaments Group is involved in more than 500 export initiatives, the total value of which amounts up to around 50 billion zlotys. The projects include complete systems procurement (“Krab” SPHs, or “Grot” MSBS rifles), or modernization and upgrade packages for equipment of the eastern origin. The Group also participates in supply chains of the international security sector leaders.
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