

PGZ Releases Information Related To The Rosomak Deal Concluded With Slovakia

  • Fot. Richard Elzey, licencja: CC BY 2.0, źródło: Wikimedia Commons
    Fot. Richard Elzey, licencja: CC BY 2.0, źródło: Wikimedia Commons

PGZ (Polish Armament Group/Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa) issued an official release related to the memorandum signed by the Prime Ministers of Poland and Slovakia – Ewa Kopacz and Robert Fico. The memorandum in question regulates the cooperation between the two countries in the field of defence insustry. On the basis of the document, 30 examples of the Rosomak APC chassis are to be delivered to the Slovak Army. The procured components are going to be used by the newly acquired vehicle which is to be utilized by the Slovaks.

The information about the memorandum was released for the first time on Friday, 3rd July. According to PM Kopacz, Slovakia is going to acquire 30 vehicles throughout 3 years. The order is going to provide profit in an amount of more than PLN 120 million for the Rosomak S.A. facility. Currently, the negotiations are going on. The procedure refers to the conditions pertaining the vehicle’s production process. The PGZ company published a statement in which President of the Company, Wojciech Dąbrowski, expressed his satisfaction with the signed memorandum.

Thanks to the Polish-Slovak cooperation, the largest and the most spectacular Polish armament export contract will be signed soon. It constitutes an effect of hard work and efforts undertaken by the government, the army and the industry. A few weeks ago, the last presentation and showcasing of the Rosomak vehicle took place within a firing range near Bratislava. Thanks to that event, Rosomak stands a chance of becoming the key exportable good for the PGZ. I deeply hope that more international orders will follow. We are also in process of negotiating new deals with other European, as well as African states, regarding the potential sales of the Rosomak APC. We also have a variety of other, numerous exportable goods at our disposal, including the Łucznik facility rifles or the anti-aircraft systems manufactured by the Mesko plant

Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the PGZ Company

Dąbrowski noted that cooperation between Poland and Slovakia may contribute to conclusion of the greatest defence export contract, signed by the Polish armament industry. The President hopes that the Rosomak APC would be procured also by some other foreign clients, noting that relevant negotiations are being carried out.

Today’s event is also a great example of international cooperation. “Scipio” project is a fusion of the Polish Rosomak 8x8 APC, along with the Slovak Turra 30 turret. Such joint offer, including the technological solutions developed in the countries which would ultimately acquire our product, can be considered to be an effective way to increase the Polish export sales level achieved by the Polish defence industry. Polish Armament Group is willing to continue this business strategy.

Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the PGZ Company, in his statement made on the day when the agreement was signed

Dąbrowski also emphasized the meaning and significance of the international cooperation undertaken in order to create the APC offer for the Slovak Army. He said that PGZ is willing to propose solutions, in case of which a deep level of cooperation with the industries of the states which acquire the PGZ products is ensured. Wojciech Dąbrowski added that during the last week, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa was also invited to participate in the negotiations procedure related to constructing coastal defence ships and patrol mine-hunters.



