
Armed Forces

Łucznik Facility In Radom – Construction Works Finally Completed

  • Fot.

A memorandum was signed in Radom, aim of which was to confirm the completion of construction works regarding the new industrial facility for the “Łucznik” (eng. Archer) armament factory.

The aim of the Agreement which was signed back in 2012 has been achieved. The whole investment process has been conducted flawlessly, and assumptions of the Business Plan have been implemented within the full scope. Thanks to our joint effort, the new facility is one of the most modern small arms factories in Poland.

Vice-President of the ARP (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu – Industrial Development Agency) Marcin Zieliński

The ARP’s press release stresses the fact that completion of the investment will make it possible to expand the range of the offered products. As we know, the facility is working, among other initiatives, on the MSBS modular small arms system which is to be used within the Tytan future-soldier concept. What is more, establishment of the new facility will make it possible to increase the prospects within the scope of development of new technological solutions. Emergence of the new factory also means that jobs will be created, which in turn, will increase the employment.

We wanted to create new jobs in the region. Hence, one of the objectives which is to be realized by the new factory is to increase the employment up to 380 persons. The company has already realized this task and new employees will be hired soon.

Vice-President of the ARP (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu – Industrial Development Agency) Marcin Zieliński

Besides development of the offer for the domestic customers (including the Polish Army), the company also wants to become noticed within the foreign markets. In December last year an agreement was signed to deliver the Beryl rifles to Nigeria. Back in January 2014 branch of the company has also been registered in the United States. The US branch is to act mainly within the civil small arms market.



