

“Non-Kinetic” Drone Countermeasures For The World Youth Day and NATO Summit in Warsaw. Urgent Tender

  • Fot. MON
    Fot. MON

The Armament Inspectorate has announced that a tender is going to be started pertaining to procurement of a service of non-kinetic neutralization of micro- and mini-class UAVs, for the purpose of securing the NATO Summit in Warsaw and Cracow World Youth Day, with both events happening in 2016.

The tender announced by the Armament Inspectorate is realized as an urgent procedure, organized in line with the Acts regulating the implementation of specific solutions applied within the scope of organization of the NATO Summit and World Youth Day. The Acts in question have been introduced in March this year. Thus, the deadline for acceptance of the requests placed by the potential contractors is very short, defined as only two days from the moment when the tender was announced. 

Recently, analytical processes have began, pertaining to acquisition of a “technological solution” which would make it possible to detect and neutralize the unmanned systems and potential threat posed by them. The relevant works were fairly general though.

The current procurement procedure is being carried out in order to secure an urgent operational need. Here, we mean the non-kinetic actions, without a possibility of destroying the UAVs. Such solution is safer in case of the mass events, since it limits the extent of potential collateral damage. Such systems may have a variety of effects when applied, as they could immobilize the drone, take over the control over the system or jam the remote control signal. Here, detecting the UAV which is headed towards the restricted zone has a key value, equal to elimination of the system and detection and detention of the potential perpetrator.  

The option of effective elimination of the UAVs is related to the risk posed by such systems for the participants of the mass events. UAV may also be able to carry dangerous ordnance. The ordnance in question may include poisonous agents or explosives. This is a growing threat, which is also a result of development of the technologies and lowered cost of acquisition of such systems, since they became more common and easily accessible. 

NATO Summit in Warsaw is going to take place between 8th and 9th July 2016, within the premises of the National Stadium. 31st edition of the World Youth Day is being organized in Cracow, and scheduled to happen between 26th and 31st July. Starting from 27th July, the event is going to involve Pope Francis. Around 2 million persons are expected to take part in the latter event.

(JS) (RS)


