Polish IFF Antennas to Become a Part of the Patriot System

PIT-RADWAR is working on another contract concerning the IFF system antennas designed for the Patriot air/missile defence system. The effort has been undertaken with the international customer in mind.
The contract concerning delivery of another lot of ten IFF antennas designed to work with the Patriot radars has been signed in late April this year. Its value is defined as PLN 65 million. The antennas are expected to be used by the international users of the Patriot system.
The IFF antennas order, concerning the antennas for the Patriot radars, has been placed by the US manufacturer of those systems: Raytheon Missiles and Defense. These are business-to-business agreements. They remain unrelated to the offset agreements negotiated to complete the phase I of the Wisła programme.
A year ago, Raytheon announced that it has finalized work on the first tranche of Patriot system radars, destined to be received by one of the international customers. Up until now, 14 systems as such have been delivered in total.
The antennas are a part of the Mode5/Mark XIIA IFF solution. They are designed for use with the standard (sector-scan) Patriot system radars. Four radars as such additionally integrated with the IBCS solution are expected to be delivered to Poland within the framework of Wisła programme, specifically the phase I of that project.
Polish PIT-RADWAR company has gathered a broad set of IFF know-how. It has developed a family of Mode 5/Mark XIIA interrogators. Recently the Armament Inspectorate has placed an order concerning 120 systems as such (IKZ-50P) for the Poprad and Pilica systems. Meanwhile, ISZ-50 medium-range interrogators are integrated on newly delivered and modernized radars as well. Work on transponders (responding systems) have been suspended back in 2015, due to the update of the requirements.