12th Division of the Polish Army and Polish Navy Try Out The Latest Śnieżnik Training System [Photos]

The latest version of the Śnieżnik simulation/training system has been operated in Lębork, since the beginning of the year 2017. As it is stressed by Lt. Błażej Łukaszewski, the system is being utilized both by the elements of the 12th “Szczecinska” Mechanized Division (primarily the 7th Coastal Defence Brigade), as well as by other military units stationed nearby, including the soldiers of the Naval Missile Unit, based in Siemirowice.
The Śnieżnik simulation and training system has been developed by the Military Institute Of Armament Technology, based in Zielonka and the AUTOCOMP MANAGEMENT Sp. z o.o., company, based in Stettin. “Śnieżnik” is offered in a variety of configurations, based on stationary equipment. The system makes it possible for the trainees to simulate live fire within a battlefield replicated on a large screen.
“Śnieżnik” suite enables the user to conduct the simulated operations within a wide range of environments, across a variety of weather conditions, at night and during the day. “Śnieżnik training and simulation system significantly enhances the capabilities offered by modern training aids, also allowing the user to drastically cut down the cost of the training programme, because thanks to the said solution fuel consumption and ammunition use may be significantly diminished”, as it was noted by Major Jarosław Forsztek, of the training department at the 12th Division.
According to Lt. Błażej Łukaszewski, Śnieżnik system set up in Lębork, which has remained open for the users at the beginning of 2017, is the latest solution of this kind operated in Poland at the moment. Its modern character stems mainly from the unique hardware included in the suite. “The facility makes it possible to organize fire training for an infantry squad. It also includes a Mi-17 helicopter gunner station simulator and flight simulator, as well as a simulator of the Hummer vehicle. - as it was noted by the commander of the training facility, Platoon Leader Adam Skibicki.
Lt. Łukaszewski notes that for the reasons listed above, “Śnieżnik” became, for the commanders of the elements trained at the facility, an expansive measure enriching the training process. It is also being used as a tool that verifies, assesses and checks the level of training of the soldiers.
Elements of the 1st “Lęborski” Mechanized Battalion of the 7th Coastal Defence Brigade utilize the Śnieżnik system on a virtually daily basis. As stressed by the commander of the 7th Mechanized Company, Lt. Katarzyna Lechowicz, “The system will never be able to fully replace the tactical training taking place in the field, however, in a manner which is modern, accurate and cost-effective, Śnieżnik makes it possible to verify the level of training achieved by the squad commanders, when it comes to directing fire, as well as within the scope of accuracy of the shots taken by the individual soldiers, during the given training activity. Thus, the said system constitutes a valuable complementation of other hardware utilized during the military training”.