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East Front News #31: Polish MoD Delegation Visits Ukraine, Piorun MANPADS in Thailand and Defence24 Days 2025
Wilga Returns. Combat Variant In The Works?
Drones and Counter-UAS Systems Sought for the Eastern Shield. Armed Forces Invite the Bidders
Polish Armored Fist on guard in Latvia [INTERVIEW]
Piorun MANPADS in Thailand
Romanian Mercenaries vs. Polish Weapons? African Conflict Heats Up
British Engineers to Support the Polish Border Fortification
Polish MoD Delegation Visits Ukraine. Will Export Deals Happen?
Defence24 Days 2025: A Key Element of Poland’s EU Presidency
Warshavianka Dance. Russian Conventional Submarine Maneuvers [REPORT]
East Front News #30: Defence24 Days 2025, New Armored Vehicles for the Polish Army; Protection against disinformation
Borsuk IFV Procurement Contract Imminent. Competitors for Heavy IFV
Merger of Military Companies: PIT-Radwar and WZŁ Join Forces
Homar-K Delivered Ahead of Schedule
Defence24 Days: Premier Defence and Military Conference in Central Europe
East Front News #29: Trump's return; New Abrams for Poland
Lt. Gen. Parylak: We are ready to carry out tasks in the event of war
Guided ammunition for Homar and Langusta
MG Albinus: Many flags in one mission are a signal of NATO unity
Baobab Minelayer to Get Tracks: Consultations Begin
WB Group Increases Cooperation with Lukasiewicz Research Network
Lithuania: 5% GDP for defence is a minimum
Newest Abrams Tanks Delivered to Poland
East Front News #28: Western Troops in Ukraine; Baltic Sentry; Shotguns at Border
“The Sound of a Shotgun Reload Sends Migrants Back” [REPORT]
5% of GDP on Defence? Poland Doesn’t Say “No”
Estonia, a hub of arms start-ups. A chance for Poland?
East Front News #27: NATO Nuclear Deterrence, Norwegian F-35 Land in Poznan
Polish Grot Rifle in the Hands of African Rebels
F-35 Jets Land in Poznań
Ślązak OPV Transforms into Gawron Surface Combatant
NATO's Nuclear Deterrence Against Russia [Interview]
East Front News #26: Polish Presidency, Year 2024 in Africa and Middle East and Big Artillery Purchases for Poland
Defence Budget as an Element of Civilian Oversight of the Military
Africa and the Middle East - 2024 Summary
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Opinion and commentaries
Warshavianka Dance. Russian Conventional Submarine Maneuvers [REPORT]
Defence Budget as an Element of Civilian Oversight of the Military
What Does Russia Want? What Must Happen for the War in Ukraine to End?
One Year of Tusk’s Government. Gen. Koziej: Strategic Continuity Maintained at the Ministry of Defence
Poland – Morocco: Untapped Potential for Cooperation
The Fall of Syria: A Painful Blow to Iran
The End of Syria as We Know It
Hungary Sends Troops to Africa
Fundamental cooperation between the 2nd Polish Corps and the U.S. Army V Corps
Migration Strategy for 2025-2030 in Poland: What’s Next?
Gen. Gielerak: Polish Healthcare System Can Support NATO
How does the Polish Ministry of Defence plan to spend 175 billion PLN? [REPORT]
NATO Wants a Large Land Army. What shall Poland do? [COMMENTARY]
Poland to Spend Over 31 USD Billion for Defence in 2025 [ANALYSIS]
MSPO 2024: Upgraded Rak mortar on the Borsuk IFV platform
Emirati dominance – takeovers of more ports in Africa
Indian Prime Minister Visits Poland [INTERVIEW]
The little drone that could. Danish UAV demonstrated in Poland [ANALYSIS]
Côte d'Ivoire - Ukraine's ally in Africa
Suspension of the future from a Polish company [ANALYSIS]
Kagame Once Again President of Ambitious Rwanda
More Soldiers in the Polish Armed Forces. New Data [EXCLUSIVE]
"Eagle Attack" at the Polish border. China is flexing its strategic muscles
Military-civilian relations with the USA support Poland's resilience
Joint Polish-German Defensive Effort? Berlin Must Put In More Work
P-18PL - New Iteration of the Polish Long Range Radar
The Turbulent Relationship of France with its Pacific Territories
Europe Chooses: Neutral Ireland Preferred over "Hawkish" Poland
The Georgian Parliament approves the 'Foreign Agents Law'
Polish Radar Industry’s 90th Anniversary. Call for Celebration, Reason for Future Development.
Poland Signs Contract to Procure More Homar-K Systems
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"Tsunami" in Turkish politics. Is this the end of AKP rule?
More Funding for the Polish Army. Sejm Approved Budget, Cuts Proposals Rejected
NATO Operations in the Polish Airspace to Become Easier
Polish Ministry of Defence Changes The Procurement Regulations [ANALYSIS]
Polish Army: Lack of Modernization Funds. Kownacki: “No chances of implementation, considering the current GDP”
Lithuania Goes Back To Conscription - Permanently
Macierewicz Sums Up Six Months of Work, Undertaken by the Polish Ministry of Defence
Virtual Revolution in Military Training. Procurement of New Simulators for the Polish Army.
Offset and Polonization in view of the European Union Law
Polish President Signs An Act Abolishing The Time Limits For Professional Contracted Military Service.
Polish Parliament Approves The Anti-Missile Shield Base in Redzikowo
Andrzej Duda Becomes The Supreme Commander of the Polish Armed Forces
Polish President Signs a Legal Act That Increases The Defence Spending
Ukraine: Government Fights Against The “Right Sector” Combatants. Helicopters And Armoured Vehicles Involved.
The Ukrainian Crisis and Its Significance for International Security - upcoming scientific conference
Polish PM: 2% of GDP will be Used for Defence Purposes
Offset Committee Meeting – Offset Assumptions Regarding the Air-Defence and Submarine Programmes
First Meeting of the Polish Offset Committee
Polish Cybersecurity Doctrine to Be Implemented Soon
How to spend 2 % of GDP on the Polish Defence?
Polish President: Air-Defence and Anti-Missile Defence – Top Priority
More Delays in the Polish Helicopter Tender
President Komorowski at WSF2014: “End of the Post-Cold War Era”
Technical Modernization Programme is not Threatened. Defence24 Interview with Minister Czesław Mroczek on the Main Polish Army Purchases
Parliamentary discussion covering the delays in the Army Modernisation Programme. “Heavy suspicion that the programme has been tailored to fit one supplier”
Polish National Defence Commission Accepted the FY2015 Budget Plan
Polish Government Adopts New Strategy for National Security
Warsaw Security Forum 2014
The need for strategic empowerment of the European Union in the field of security
Transfer of Technology and What's Next?
First ever meeting of the Scientific and Industrial Council of the Polish Ministry of Defence
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Polish Armored Fist on guard in Latvia [INTERVIEW]
Lt. Gen. Parylak: We are ready to carry out tasks in the event of war
MG Albinus: Many flags in one mission are a signal of NATO unity
NATO's Nuclear Deterrence Against Russia [Interview]
Oracle Cloud Isolated Region– A Solution Dedicated to Defence
Attacks on governments and companies. Protection used by NATO troops
One Year of Tusk’s Government. Gen. Koziej: Strategic Continuity Maintained at the Ministry of Defence
Bejda: We Must Keep Up the Tempo. Borsuk IFV Procurement By Year's End [INTERVIEW]
Brig. Gen. Mokrzycki: We must recognize the importance of large-scale military operations
Aselsan Expands Defence Offer [INTERVIEW]
Col. Jackson: The V Corps and 2 Polish Corps have one of the strongest relationships in NATO
Will Rak Repeat the Export Success of Piorun? Grabowski: Miecznik Required Changes [INTERVIEW]
Former Head of Military Engineering: It is Important to Maintain Capabilities
Jelcz Looks to the Future. New Trucks Coming Soon [INTERVIEW]
Polish Crews to Train on Apache Helicopters Like in the US: Polish Ministry of Defence Announces Changes
Indian Prime Minister Visits Poland [INTERVIEW]
Drones, Howitzers and Vehicles for the Territorial Defence Units. Gen. Stańczyk: A Lot of Room for Improvement in the Training System [Interview]
More Krab Howitzers for the Armed Forces. PGZ President: “We need 11 years to develop a new APC” [Interview]
PONAR: Polish Hydraulics for the Polish Armed Forces
Hanwha Aerospace CEO: Transfer of Technology a Key Element of Homar-K
Strike, Sustain, Survive. V Corps in the defence of Poland and Europe [INTERVIEW]
"We are open to various options, including opening a production plant in Poland" [INTERVIEW]
Enhancing Partnerships with Armenia: Perspectives with the EU and Poland
“If we surrender now, it will mean the final collapse of democracy in Georgia”
Belousov Replaces Shoygu. “Putin wants to implement a policy of armed imperialism” [INTERVIEW]
Defence and Diplomacy of Kosovo: Priorities and Challenges.
Challenges and Objectives in NATO Energy Security. Kristina Rimkunaite, NATO ENSEC COE
Unlocking Air Superiority: Challenges and Strategies.
Nuclear Deterrence, Sharing, and Policy: Insights into NATO's Strategy.
France's Support for Ukraine: Diplomacy, Partnerships, and Security
Insights on Lithuania: Security Perceptions and Strategic Objectives
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Hungary Sends Troops to Africa
Polish Defence Spending Under Brussels' Financial Scrutiny [COMMENTARY]
Fundamental cooperation between the 2nd Polish Corps and the U.S. Army V Corps
Gen. Gielerak: Polish Healthcare System Can Support NATO
The little drone that could. Danish UAV demonstrated in Poland [ANALYSIS]
Côte d'Ivoire - Ukraine's ally in Africa
Suspension of the future from a Polish company [ANALYSIS]
"Eagle Attack" at the Polish border. China is flexing its strategic muscles
Military-civilian relations with the USA support Poland's resilience
Macron’s Gambit and Le Pen’s Dominance: France Chooses Change
Europe Chooses: Neutral Ireland Preferred over "Hawkish" Poland
Poland and Korea Increase Financial Cooperation. Defence and Nuclear Purposes
Polish woman rescued in Chad. Crises show the importance of alliances [COMMENTARY]
Total turnaround of France towards Ukraine [OPINION]
Türkiye gives the green light to Sweden's NATO bid
The World Defense Show as a signal of broader strategic and industrial reflection [OPINION]
Tanks, planes, artillery or commandos, missiles and spies [OPINION]
Estonia Recognizes Growing Threat from Russia
Dual-use technologies are a challenge to the country's resilience [OPINION]
President of Poland sets off for Africa [OPINION]
The forgotten importance of deterrence in the face of Russian policy [OPINION]
Strategic gameplay around a tourist paradise [COMMENTARY]
Is Israel ready to militarily confront with Hezbollah terrorists? [COMMENT]
The Houthis want the world to weep at the Gate of Tears
Türkiye through the eyes of NATO allies
India responds to attack in Arabian Sea. Iran's strategic mistake and an opportunity for the West?
American military aid to Ukraine: the "apocalypse" approaching?
2024: no credit holidays from strengthening European security
Yerevan: Depending solely on Russia for security was 'strategic mistake'
How Ukraine Can Use Polish-Delivered NSM Missiles in its Offensive [COMMENTARY]
Poland Starts with Ammunition Funding Increase. Beginning of the Journey [OPINION PIECE]
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Polish Armored Fist on guard in Latvia [INTERVIEW]
Jacek Marcin Raubo
Lt. Gen. Parylak: We are ready to carry out tasks in the event of war
MG Albinus: Many flags in one mission are a signal of NATO unity
Huge knowledge for IT specialists. Useful and free
Enhancing Partnerships with Armenia: Perspectives with the EU and Poland
Defence and Diplomacy of Kosovo: Priorities and Challenges.
Challenges and Objectives in NATO Energy Security. Kristina Rimkunaite, NATO ENSEC COE
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Defence Policy
Defence Industry
Armed Forces
East Front News #30: Defence24 Days 2025, New Armored Vehicles for the Polish Army; Protection against disinformation
Lithuania: 5% GDP for defence is a minimum
“The Sound of a Shotgun Reload Sends Migrants Back” [REPORT]
5% of GDP on Defence? Poland Doesn’t Say “No”
Defence Budget as an Element of Civilian Oversight of the Military
What Does Russia Want? What Must Happen for the War in Ukraine to End?
One Year of Tusk’s Government. Gen. Koziej: Strategic Continuity Maintained at the Ministry of Defence
Bejda: We Must Keep Up the Tempo. Borsuk IFV Procurement By Year's End [INTERVIEW]
German-Nordic Air Defence Over Rzeszów
Funding For the Polish Artillery Purchases in Korea Secured
Polish Ministry of Defence: We Need Slovakia's Cooperation in Ammunition Production
Col. Jackson: The V Corps and 2 Polish Corps have one of the strongest relationships in NATO
Poland's Government Adopts Draft Law on Ammunition Production Funding
EU to Spend Hundreds of Millions on Missiles and Munitions. No Polish Piorun MANPADS for Now?
Polish and Czech Defence Ministers: Ammunition Cooperation, F-35s, and Exchange of Experiences
Defence Minister: We Are Ready to Establish 'Drone Branch' Command
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Wilga Returns. Combat Variant In The Works?
Piorun MANPADS in Thailand
Drones and Counter-UAS Systems Sought for the Eastern Shield. Armed Forces Invite the Bidders
Merger of Military Companies: PIT-Radwar and WZŁ Join Forces
Guided ammunition for Homar and Langusta
WB Group Increases Cooperation with Lukasiewicz Research Network
Estonia, a hub of arms start-ups. A chance for Poland?
Oracle Cloud Isolated Region– A Solution Dedicated to Defence
Attacks on governments and companies. Protection used by NATO troops
How Many ZSSW-30 Turrets Are Produced Annually?
More Grot Rifles for the Polish Armed Forces, Including the A3 Version
Gladius Programme Updates
Munitions for Homar-K With Prospective Export Opportunities
New Round for the Rak Mortar as the Key to Effective Training
WZL Nr 1 S.A. is Looking for Professionals
PONAR Defence – A New Brand by PONAR Wadowice SA
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Romanian Mercenaries vs. Polish Weapons? African Conflict Heats Up
Defence24 Days 2025: A Key Element of Poland’s EU Presidency
Defence24 Days: Premier Defence and Military Conference in Central Europe
MG Albinus: Many flags in one mission are a signal of NATO unity
Polish Grot Rifle in the Hands of African Rebels
NATO's Nuclear Deterrence Against Russia [Interview]
Africa and the Middle East - 2024 Summary
Poland – Morocco: Untapped Potential for Cooperation
The Fall of Syria: A Painful Blow to Iran
The End of Syria as We Know It
Macron in Poland: Is Poland at the Heart of Macron?
Polish Minister of Defence: New Loan from the USA for Poland
The War for the Sahel [REPORT]
France Retreats from Africa: A Major Shift in Military Strategy
French instructors in Ukraine
Trump wins: what this means for Poland, NATO, and the world
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East Front News #31: Polish MoD Delegation Visits Ukraine, Piorun MANPADS in Thailand and Defence24 Days 2025
Polish Armored Fist on guard in Latvia [INTERVIEW]
British Engineers to Support the Polish Border Fortification
Polish MoD Delegation Visits Ukraine. Will Export Deals Happen?
Warshavianka Dance. Russian Conventional Submarine Maneuvers [REPORT]
Homar-K Delivered Ahead of Schedule
East Front News #29: Trump's return; New Abrams for Poland
Lt. Gen. Parylak: We are ready to carry out tasks in the event of war
Baobab Minelayer to Get Tracks: Consultations Begin
Newest Abrams Tanks Delivered to Poland
East Front News #28: Western Troops in Ukraine; Baltic Sentry; Shotguns at Border
East Front News #27: NATO Nuclear Deterrence, Norwegian F-35 Land in Poznan
F-35 Jets Land in Poznań
Ślązak OPV Transforms into Gawron Surface Combatant
East Front News #26: Polish Presidency, Year 2024 in Africa and Middle East and Big Artillery Purchases for Poland
Aerial Cover for the Homar-K System
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Oracle Cloud Isolated Region– A Solution Dedicated to Defence
Attacks on governments and companies. Protection used by NATO troops
Gladius Programme Updates
“New Weapons for the Polish F-35 Are Getting Closer” [EXCLUSIVE]
Huge knowledge for IT specialists. Useful and free
The little drone that could. Danish UAV demonstrated in Poland [ANALYSIS]
Polish HUNTeR Armed UGV - Field Tested
Continuity or change? The role of cyberspace in future armed conflicts
Secure Satellite Telecommunications for Poland - Solutions Available Immediately
FONET MK2 and SILENT NETWORK debuts at AUSA 2022
Guarana System - A Boost for the Polish Military Communications
S-400 Helpless Against HIMARS
ILA 2022: Stealth Missile for 6th Generation Fighter Aircraft
ILA 2022: German Competitor of the HIMARS System
ILA 2022: Anti-Aircraft Variant of the Boxer Vehicle
Russian Ka-52 Shot Down With Piorun MANPADS
Defence Policy
Armed Forces
East Front News
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