
Armed Forces

Virtual Revolution in Military Training. Procurement of New Simulators for the Polish Army.

  • Ilustracja: NASA
    Ilustracja: NASA

The Armament Inspectorate announced that a tendering procedure has been initiated, the aim of which is to procure Virtual Tactical Battlefield System. The suite is expected to make it possible to carry out a virtual training for up to 12 soldiers in a varied environment, including urbanized areas, forests, deserts, sea oil platforms and ships. 

According to the announcement published by the Armament Inspectorate, the Virtual Tactical Battlefield System (Wirtualny System Taktycznego Pola Walk – WSTPW) is expected to be used to train a single soldier as well as/or a group (team), within the scope of procedures applied in using the assigned inventory and within the framework of carrying out specific tactical operations on land, in the air, and out in the sea, in collaboration with a sniper-observer team, heavy weapons specialist or with a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC).  

WSTPW is going to act as a training system which places the soldiers within a “visually realistic” simulated virtual 3D environment. The virtual environment is complemented by introduction of virtual characters imitating the enemy, it is also fitted with a wide variety of props allowing for realization of training in conditions close to reality, with the use of a wide range of dynamically created scenarios.

The virtual reality display for the trained recruits is expected to be generated via a HMD (Head Mounted Display) goggle system. The imagery projection component is expected to replicate and visualize the characteristics of land, airborne and maritime objects with a high degree of fidelity, with producing an accurate reflection of physical and dynamic properties of movement for the simulated units.

The system which is to be ordered is expected to include goggles, laser sensors and emitters, mounted on the trained soldiers and the armament replicas, along with devices and software enabling the course participants to communicate and cooperate. There should also be an option of archiving, recording and visualizing the realized training procedures.

The contractor, within the framework of the agreed order, shall also carry out training with the selected personnel.

READ MORE: Poland Acquires “Śnieżnik 2” Simulator

The procurement is being executed in line with the Public Procurement Law Act, which means that not only may it be realized by contractors whose seat is located within the territory of the European Union, European Economic Area or within the territory of a country with which the Polish, or the EU authorities, concluded an agreement regarding the defence and security procurement, but also by the contractors whose seat is located in Poland, or even by the companies hailing from Israel or Canada. The request placing deadline is defined as May 16th 2016.


