70% of Armed Forces modernisation expenditures will go to the Polish defence industry?

  • Patriot PAC-3. Fot. Lockheed Martin
    Patriot PAC-3. Fot. Lockheed Martin

The Peoples’ Party (PSL), junior partner of the ruling coalition, has submitted a project of an Act that postulates allocation of 70% of the modernisation budget of the Armed Forces for the acquisitions from the national defence industry.  

During a press conference, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Group for Polish Defence Industry and the member of the National Defence Committee of the Sejm, Bartlomiej Bodio, has presented the Act on Reconstruction, Technical Modernisation and Financing of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. The Proposal states the allocation of 70% of the modernisation budget for the purchase purpose in the Polish military sector.

MP Bodio emphasised the significance of the national defence industry within the defence system of the State. He also underlined that similar solutions are applied in other countries of the European Union, among others in Great Britain, France or Germany. The modernisation programme is supposed to increase military security, but also to shape the national economic security – as indicated by the author of the Act.

As stated in the explanatory statement of the Act, the Polish defence industry constitutes one of the most significant factors that provide the independence of the State, as well as mobilisation readiness of its structures. The military sector also fulfils some important economic functions as it constitutes a major source of employment, supplies the national budget, has a significant influence on the technological development and it contributes to the development of industrial cooperation with the foreign partners. The Act is in conformity with the EU regulations.

The Act has been created, among others, in connection with the Ukrainian crisis and the statements of President Komorowski regarding the necessity to increase the Polish defence spending. – Poland, in the coming years, is planning one of the biggest defence budgets in the devoted to Armed Forces modernisation. The sum will exceed 100 billion PLN. This money should go to the Polish companies in order to give the national economy an impulse to develop. - stated MP Bodio, who also emphasised that the proposed 70% would guarantee the sum of 5709.13 million PLN in 2014, on the assumption that the Ministry of National Defence had allocated 8155.9 million PLN on the capital expenditures in that period.

