Armed Forces
Advanced Simulator Systems Selected by the Polish Army

The Armament Inspectorate announced the winning bid in the procurement process concerning the delivery of tactical battlefield simulators. The process began back in 2015.
The order concerns delivery of the following:
- One complex combat simulation system for use at the battalion level (KSSPW);
- Four laser shooting simulators (LSS) for the military equipment used by the armoured and mechanized units;
- Five tactical battlefield simulators for the armoured and mechanized units (STWPW). Through use of the IT hardware the systems would be employed to organize and execute exercises, training, tactical planning, all with regards to the modern battlefield.
The systems that are going to be included in the solution would be then set up on selected pieces of military equipment and armament. They would make it possible to practically verify the action plan over the course of the tactical field training, up to the battalion level. The KSSPW and LSS devices (sensors and laser systems), installed on the selected weapon systems and equipment, shall make it possible to practically verify, in realistic weather and terrain conditions, the planned tactical training operations, up to the battalion level. Secondly, the systems shall enable the users to perfect their combat and engagement related skills, and simulate the fact that given target was hit. Finally the systems should also provide an option of assessing the recorded hits.
The individual systems are to be equipped with software and devices that contain a tool, which would support the staff in training (command, team), in the decision making process, enabling them to maintain mutual communications, cooperation, archiving, visualization and assessment of the exercise that has been carried out. The system is expected to include goggles, laser sensors and emitters, mounted on the trained soldiers and the armament replicas, along with devices and software enabling the course participants to communicate and software cooperate. There should also be an option of archiving, recording and visualizing the realized training procedures. The contractor, within the framework of the agreed order, shall also carry out training with the selected personnel. Thus, it may be said that the above refers to a very modern training system that makes it possible to increase the level of training at a relatively low cost.
Read more: Will the Polish Simulators Conquer the US?
Five entities expressed their willingness to participate in the bid. The companies are listed below:
- Rheinmetall Electronics (offer net value: PLN 867 million)
- Saab AB (offer net value: PLN 314 million),
- PGZ S.A. together with Thales Polska Sp. z o.o. and Thales AVS France SAS (offer gross value: PLN 630.8 million);
- Cubic Defence Applications Inc. along with the Polish Unitronex Poland Sp. z o.o and Siltec Sp. z o.o companies and the Military University of Technology (offer gross value: PLN 137.6 million);
- Israeli Elbit Systems company, along with Autocomp Management Sp. z o.o and RUAG Defence France SAS (offer net value: PLN 323.9 million).
The offer placed by the consortium led by Cubic Defence Applications Inc. also involving Unitronex Poland Sp. z o.o and Siltec Sp. z o.o and Military University of Technology was assessed to be the best in case of this procurement, receiving 100 points. The offer assessment criteria were focused on price (weight of 80%). 20% of the points could be received with regards to the propose guarantee conditions. One should note that major price differences could have been noticed between the offers.
No information has been released, when it comes to the intended level of expenditure that was to be associated with the simulation systems in question. However, it is known that the competing entities had to deposit a bid security (tender bond) of PLN 10 million meaning that the expected pricetag was estimated to be between 33 and 330 million zlotys.