

Air Fair 2017: TELDAT Receives an Award for its JFSS JAŚMIN Suite

  • Fot. szer. Paweł Bednarczyk / 1WBPanc.
    Fot. szer. Paweł Bednarczyk / 1WBPanc.

TELDAT company has been awarded during the course of the Air Fair 2017 event held in Bydgoszcz, for its data exchange system for joint fire support - JFSS JAŚMIN. As one of the basic components of the Net-Centric ICT Platform, the aforesaid suite constitutes a part of the rich product portfolio offered by the company, within the scope of supporting the command process, coordinating the operations and tactics, and communications, also in case of scenarios involving the aircraft.

The JFSS Data Exchange System for Joint Fire Support is one of the latest and most advanced components of the JASMINE (JAŚMIN) Net-Centric ICT Platform. The product in question, offered by the Bydgoszcz-based TELDAT company, has been showcased during this year’s edition of the Air Fair event, with its application taken into account in the area of activities undertaken by JTACs. JFSS suite is to make it possible to coordinate and automatically exchange data in this and in the remaining areas of operations of the armed units, including the aircraft, involved in provision of CAS.

Joint operation of the JFSS JASMINE suite elements - Layout. Image Credit: Teldat

TELDAT company has developed this, specific product, with an intention of increasing the precision of target indication, also within the scope of assistance related to directing the airborne support platforms. The solution is expected to, primarily, enhance the reliability and effectiveness of the operations involving FACs (Forward Air Controllers) and JTACs (Joint Terminal Attack Attack Controllers), JFOs (Joint Fire Observers), and ALOs (Air Liaison Officers). The system’s purpose is also to be used by recon units, within the scope of enhancing the battlefield situational awareness.

Operation of the JFSS JASMINE suite is based on several, separate elements. The first one is seen in a form of the software of the Data Exchange System for Joint Fire Support, including TZKOP - the SWD C3IS JAŚMIN - JFSS C3IS JAŚMIN software module. The second component comes in a form of a software for the JASMINE CID server. The third, separate element comes in a form of tactical terminals package (including T12” PC-based Tactical Terminal or Individual Tactical Terminal).

Image Credit:

As a whole system, the JASMINE net-centric platform acts as a multi-band, synthetic structure for automatic data transfer, meeting the command and communications support needs of the Armed Forces, it is also a system which supports command and communications in crisis management scenarios. The platform consists of several inherently coherent hardware and software products delivered by TELDAT, and, as the representatives of the company assure, the aforesaid elements operate together within a single, closely integrated system. The platform includes specialized hardware and software solutions, most of which may be used in an autonomous manner.

Practically all of the aforementioned hardware and software components of the JAŚMIN [JASMINE] system, along with the software module of the latest TZKOP subsystem which is also a part of the SWD C3IS JAŚMIN suite, have undergone domestic and international test programmes. A majority of the aforesaid elements has been or still is used in field conditions, during numerous operations and military exercises, primarily taking place abroad. These include: military deployments (Afghanistan, Congo, Chad, Central-African Republic, the Balkans, Baltic States and Kuwait), and several editions of international (NATO CWID, NATO CWIX, Combined Endeavour and Bold Quest) and domestic (Anakonda, Dragon, Aster, Compact Grey, Borsuk, Mazury, Latowicz, Świder, Stokrotka i Pierścień) military exercises. The use of the system also extends to research and teaching, implemented mainly at training and simulation facilities of the Polish War Studies University, Military University of Technology and Polish Centre for Training Communications and ICT Officers, as well as the MIP interoperability programme.

Patriot System Router Image Credit:

The booth of the TELDAT company at the Air Fair 2017 event also included the showcase of the results of collaboration with Raytheon, related to the communications system implemented in case of the Patriot air defence solution. The central point of the agreement is focused on development and production of advanced, military routers, making it possible to establish communications in a net-centric environment. TELDAT stand featured a demo example of the aforesaid router.


