Strona główna
Command and Control Systems

SCOT is a modern Combat Management System integrating the following systems: countering air, surface and underwater targets, combating asymmetric threats, technical observation, radars, communication and services provided by the integrated navigation system regarding ensuring the safety of navigation, monitoring the current geographical position and ship motion parameters.
The integration of the subsystems is carried out based on the Ships Data Bus. The system supports the combat activity of the ship’s crew in terms of effective utilization of all gathered on the ship sensors and effectors, as well as tasks (missions) planning, decision-making support and implementation of tasks. The scope of the subsystem integration is determined through defining a set of devices and elements of the ship systems (armament, technical observation means etc.) and technology to organize virtual networks (sub networks) of information exchange (data, image and sound).

SARCASS (Search And Rescue Coordination And Support System) is intended for IT support of rescue operations carried out by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCK), which conducts and coordinates rescue operations in the Polish rescue area of responsibility (SAR) as an operation centre. It integrates analytical, planning and calculation modules used during the conduction of rescue operations, facilitates the exchange of information between operators of different entities involved in rescue operation (MRCK, CZK, COM, SG and others), and generates reports after the operation. In terms of information exchange SARCASS performs cooperation with the AIS system, the SeaTrackWeb application – made available by the Hydrographic Office in Sweden and the Lloyd’s Register database. SARCAS performs its functions through equipment and application software, and the applied solutions ensure the ability to work in different equipment configurations, as well as the possibility of its expansion in terms of functionality.

ZSyD MW "ŁEBA-3" is an Automated Command System for the Polish Navy. It is dedicated for units of tactical and operational level to support the process of data collection about the maritime situation in the Polish area of responsibility, developing and distributing a unified maritime situation picture and command reports. The ZSyD MW "ŁEBA-3" consists of installations (objects) dedicated for stationary (PO) and mobile (RPOT) coastal, surface (vessels) and air (aircrafts and helicopter) units. A component of the system is the Data Exchange Subsystem in radio networks, responsible for the organization of this process, basing on available on particular units, radio and satellite means. For the needs of cooperation with national institutions responsible for maritime security (Maritime Office, Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, Coast Guard), the system was equipped with interfaces allowing maritime situation data reception. Command reports, as well as developed within ZSyD MW „ŁEBA-3” maritime situation pictures (RMP) are shared with systems, functioning in other kinds of Armed Forces, as well as within NATO. The data exchange is realized via OTHT-Gold, ADatP-3 and LINK-11B.