Dęblin-Based Facility to Overhaul the Polish Military Helicopters

Aviation Tech Department of the 3rd Regional Logistics Base announced that it has awarded an order concerning the TW3-117 helicopter engine general overhauls. The order was awarded to the Dęblin-division of the WZL Nr 1 S.A. facility (Military Aviation Works), specializing in tasks as such.
TW3-117 engines are used on the Mi-17 and Mi-24W (and late Mi-24D) helicopters that are all quite common in the Polish military. The selection of the facility that is a part of WZL-1 announced on 14th April is not a surprise. The aforesaid entity used to complete works as such in the past. Also, in this case, as a result of the market analysis carried out, it was found out that WZL-1 is the sole state business entity authorized to carry out works as such. The proceedings were executed through negotiation, without a prior announcement of the order.
The order has a value of PLN 56.17 million, plus VAT.
“WZL-1 S.A., Dęblin Division, is the sole and exclusive owner of the overhaul documentation entitled <<Technical Conditions of Main Overhaul of the TW3-117 III Engine, W, M, MT, WM series>> arranged by the WL’s Chief Engineer, issued on 20th October 2016, and of the DWLOP Certificate; the documentation shall be the basis for repairs of the equipment, in line with the decisions made by the Task Coordinator. Furthermore, WZL No. 1 S.A. facility, Dęblin Branch, remains in possession of technical abilities, know-how, and facilities required to carry out the aforesaid work; no alternative/replacement solution exists, making it possible to complete the order herein.” - as the justification issued in the EU’s Official Journal, by the 3rd Regional Logistics Base reads.
The engine overhauls are taking place in parallel to Mi-8 helicopter overhauls that are to be carried out at the WZL-1 facility in Łódź. This task entails a price tag of around PLN 99.5 million. The matter is subject to negotiation at the moment. This is yet another contract that is a visible symptom of the plans made to keep the existing fleet airworthy. Mi-24 Hinds are expected to be modernized as well.