Defence Policy
Another K2 MBT Deal for Poland in September. Top Level Talks

Photo. mł. chor. Daniel Wójcik / 16th Mechanized Division
Poland and South Korea decided to continue and expand the cooperative efforts between the defence industries. The Defence Ministers of both nations announced that new agreements may be expected. We also have found out what the status is, when it comes to further steps regarding the manufacturing of the K2 main battle tank in Poland.
On 20th June, Bilateral Polish-Korean talks were held in Pruszków, near Warsaw, covering defence cooperation. During the meeting held between the Deputy PM, the Head of the Polish MoD Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, and Korean Defence Minister Shin Won-Sik, the leaders co-chaired a meeting of a joint ministerial committee for bilateral defence industry cooperation.
W Pruszkowie trwa spotkanie wicepremiera, ministra obrony narodowej W. @KosiniakKamysz z ministrem obrony Korei Południowej Shin Won-sik. Główny temat rozmów to wzmacnianie bilateralnej współpracy polsko🇵🇱 - koreańskiej 🇰🇷 w dziedzinie obronności i uzbrojenia.
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) June 20, 2024
The head of the Korean MoD also visited the 23rd Tactical Air Base in Minsk Mazowiecki. The unit operates the FA-50GF light combat aircraft.
Let us recall that back in April this year, an executive agreement was signed in Korea, covering the delivery of more Homar-K MLRS systems, along with several thousand guided rockets. The orders that had been placed previously concerned the K2 Black Panther main battle tanks, K9A1 Thunder self-propelled howitzers, and the aforesaid FA-50 jets.
Further procurement of the K2 Black Panther main battle tanks and manufacturing of those in Poland were among of the key matters discussed during the meeting. As announced by Minister Kosiniak-Kamysz, the transfer of technologies, and polonization of the K2PL main battle tank are the key matters for Poland here.
Trwa konferencja prasowa wicepremiera, ministra @MON_GOV_PL @KosiniakKamysz z ministrem obrony Republiki Korei Shin Won-sik. "Potwierdzamy wszystkie strategiczne umowy. We wrześniu na targach w Kielcach kolejne umowy".
— Defence24 (@Defence24pl) June 20, 2024
The conclusion of further executive (performance) contracts accompanying the framework agreements signed so far is expected to happen during the MSPO exhibition in September. Contract covering the procurement of 180 K2 main battle tanks is also going to be signed in Kielce. As announced by Minister Kosiniak-Kamysz, Poland wants some of those tanks to be manufactured at the Polish factories. No specifics were provided on whether the agreement would pertain to the K2GF configuration tanks, or the K2PL variant, modified to meet the requirements defined by the Polish Armed Forces.
Trwa konferencja prasowa wicepremiera, ministra @MON_GOV_PL @KosiniakKamysz z ministrem obrony Republiki Korei Shin Won-sik. "Potwierdzamy wszystkie strategiczne umowy. We wrześniu na targach w Kielcach kolejne umowy".
— Defence24 (@Defence24pl) June 20, 2024
Kosiniak-Kamysz added that the Parties also discussed the defensive efforts tied to the Polish-Belorussian border and the establishment of border infrastructure.
As stated by the Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Defence, Paweł Bejda, the talks were also related to the financing of military procurement in Korea, and to products manufactured by the Polish defence industry that could be possibly interesting for the Koreans.
Written with: Antoni Walkowski