Polish Involvement in Development of One of The European Satellite Platforms

Astri Polska company announced that it has delivered an electronic ground support system for the European “Eurostar Neo” new generation telecommunication satellites. Ultimately the company would be delivering 4 systems as such, within the programme’s framework. The value of the whole contract is defined as ca. 5 million zlotys.
The system delivered by Astri Polska would make it possible to test the electronic components of the Eurostar Neo satellites, before they are launched. Within the framework of the programme, Astri Polska is to deliver two types of hardware: Simulation Front End and Simulated Electrical Flight Model, two examples of each type. The former piece of hardware delivered by Astri Polska within the framework of the programme was received by the customer in March 2017 (Simulation Front End). Meanwhile, the first Simulated Electrical Flight Model was delivered in February this year. It is going to be used for the purpose of simulating the electronic interfaces of the satellite platform, with a particular emphasis placed on power supply system management and onboard computer.
Ground validation segment is a key element of any space programme, having a decisive impact on success of a space mission. We are happy with the fact that our devices would constitute a relevant contribution made by the Polish space industry in implementation of the main Polish satellite programmes.
Designing and delivering ground test equipment for satellites is one of the primary domains of the business activities undertaken by Astri Polska. Alongside EurostarNeo the company is also involved in work on test equipment for thcee main European satellite initiatives, including MetOp-SG, JUICE or Sentinel-5. Astri Polska is also specialized in GNSS test procedures, with regards to the receivers designed for space applications.

Eurostar Neo is a programme aimed at creating a new generation of a platform for telecommunication satellites. It is a part of the “NeoSat” programme led by ESA and French CNES agency. The new platform is to be 30% less expensive, in comparison with the designs used now, also offering a greater capability when it comes to the carried loads. Airbus Defence and Space remains the main contractor within the project. The first satellite is expected to be launched in 2019.