Defence24 Days: Expansion of the Polish Defence Industry

A discussion on expansion of the Polish defence industry was organized, within the framework of the Defence24 Days conference. The panelists emphasized the necessity to continue investments in that segment, and also to continue work on the development of domestic manufacturing capacity.
The panel involved:
- Marcin Kulasek, PhD. Eng., Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Assets;
- Brig. General Artur Kuptel, Ph.D., Head of the Armament Agency;
- Piotr Wojciechowski – President of the Management Board at WB Electronics;
- Janusz Noga, President at the Telesystem Mesko company;
- Paweł Bejda, Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Defence;
- Krzysztof Trofiniak, President of the Management Board at the PGZ Group.
The panel was opened by Secretary Paweł Bejda who noted, that over the last 2 years, the perception of the Polish defence industry has been significantly reshaped. He stressed that the matter of development of the Polish defence industry is still one of the most critical components of Polish national security. This is tied to the fact that not only will the Polish Ministry of Defence be making efforts to support the state industry, but it is also going to expand cooperation with the private sector. He added, that one of the most important goals would be to manufacture munitions in Poland, and this concerns the entire process.
Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Assets, Marcin Kulasek Ph.D. Eng. noted that relations with the South Korean partners would also play a key role in the further development of the Polish capabilities. He added that agreements concluded by the previous leaders would be continued, and should a chance to do that emerge - reviewed and enhanced.
Head of the Armament Agency, Brig. General Artur Kuptel Ph.D. stressed the importance of redefinition of the defence-related mindset. He said that means to fund further development should be obtained through investment and equipment sales. In his opinion, without state support, the Polish defence industry will not be able to grow sufficiently fast, at a pace required to meet the needs of the Polish Armed Forces. The head of the Armament Agency also noted that polonization of the manufacturing process, not the product, shall be the main goal here. Piorun was listed by him as a prime example of what the defence industry can do.
Munitions Above Everything
According to Krzysztof Trofiniak, President of the Management Board at the PGZ Group, munitions, and autonomy in the manufacturing of munitions, are the key issues now. Without munitions, the Armed Forces truly remain helpless. Trofiniak said that We should restore the ability to manufacture both the powder, as well as the primers that used to be manufactured in Poland. This area requires investment and time.
Another element here is the manufacturing of projectile shells. Trofiniak stated that even though ROI can be expected after a few years, this step is necessary to ensure munitions supply security for the Polish Army. He added that cooperation with private businesses should also be expanded.
The remaining areas on which the Polish defence industry should focus include tracked and wheeled land platforms, aircraft (maintenance in Poland included), Navy (Miecznik and Orka programmes), and reconnaissance. Trofiniak stressed the fact that changes in legislation could accelerate the accomplishment of the set goals.
Janusz Noga, CEO of the Telesystem-Mesko company, emphasized the importance of qualified staff. Without people trained in manufacturing, attaining satisfactory results is simply impossible.
Piotr Wojciechowski – President of the Management Board at WB Electronics, pointed to four, specific fields on which the Polish industry shall focus: collaborative effort, effectiveness, innovation, and efficiency. He added that the framework agreements are important, but the long-term performance contracts are the key driving factor for further investments. He noted that cooperation between public and private entities is also driving the development of the defence industry. This is exemplified by the Gladius system, where major contributions were made by the PGZ Group. He stressed that the Polish industry is capable of innovation, but without the state support, and simplified legislation supporting the development of the Polish defence industry, this may become a challenge of its own.