

Radmor Radios for the Polish Army

Radmor S.A company has signed an agreement with the Armament Inspectorate, pertaining to procurement of radios for the Polish Armed Forces. The deal is said to have a value of PLN 73 million and the relevant deliveries are scheduled to take place between 2016 and 2020.

As it was stated in the WB Group’s press release (Radmor belongs to the said umbrella company), the scope of the agreement concerns radios with additional equipment, and the contract value is around PLN 73 million. The deliveries are to take place between 2016 and 2020, however a certain part of the procurement, covered with an amount of PLN 33 million, is to be finalized by the end of this year. This undertaking constitutes a continued procurement of the equipment which is already a part of the inventory of the Polish Army.

Radmor company, since many years, has been supplying a variety of communication systems for both the Polish Army, as well as for the foreign users (around 20 states). Within the framework of privatization, it has become a part of the WB Group back in 2011.

In March this year it was announced that the Polish Army received 10 thousand examples of the PR4G radios already. The offer of the company includes programmable R3507 radios, personal R35010 radios, portable R3501 radios, V3501 vehicular systems and backpack and onboard systems belonging to the F@stnet family, along with the relevant accessory packages.

Radmor is also involved in research and development initiatives, carried out independently and in an international setting. The first phase of the European ESSOR programme implemented with involvement seen on the part of the Radmor company, pertaining to the software-defined radio systems, has been successfully completed. Radmor still remains a participant of the said initiative. During this year’s edition of the MSPO defence salon, COMP@N programmable radios were showcased, among other products.


