Mobile Electric Platform Drives offered by the WB Group

WB Group has decided to introduce mobile electric platform drives technology into its offer. Development of the new products would be based upon the existing technological potential, already available within the Group, and also on the newly acquired competences, obtained through cooperation with the external partners.
Building the market reputation domestically, along with noticeable market footprint abroad, requires the Group to develop comprehensive products that could be addressed to the potential customers who are not in possession of expert knowledge, within the domain of electric motors, control systems and energy industry.
The development of the electric vehicle drive units also takes into account the opportunity to obtain financial support, at the level of the domestic operational programmes. One of the projects pursued in the newly established WB Group’s areas of competence has been recommended to receive additional funding from the National Centre For Research and Development, within the scope of the Intelligent Development 2014-2020 Operational Programme, Action 1.1, subaction 1.1.1., Industrial research and development works implemented by enterprises.
Within the framework of the aforesaid project, Zakład Automatyki i Urządzeń Pomiarowych AREX Sp. z o.o. based in Gdynia would develop the energy processing path for mobile platforms, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes.