
Armed Forces

NATO Military Police Battalion Training in Poland

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NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion, involving soldiers coming from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and the United States of America, is involved in a SHARP LYNX-16 exercise, organized in the vicinity of Minsk Mazowiecki.

The exercise constitutes a part of the Anakonda-16 operation. Within the framework of the aforementioned training initiative, during the period between 7th and 9th June, an exercise is being carried out, the aim of which is to integrate the Military Police elements of five NATO member states, which altogether form the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion.

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The first element of the exercise was focused on intense firearms training, with the use of live ammunition. This section of the operation was carried out at the Zielonka military shooting range. The goal of the exercise was also to develop the individual skills of the soldiers within the scope of tactics and operational techniques related to the use of firearms, including the area of dynamic firearms training. Differences in the armament inventory and tactics posed a significant challenge for the instructors, as these varied across the individual units involved.

As we were informed by the Press Department of the Military Police, the firearms training also constituted a perfect opportunity to exchange the experiences within the scope of precise and quick reaction to sudden threats, with employment of the firearms. These skills constitute a relevant element of the whole skillset, having an impact on patrol safety, and on urbanized areas operational safety.

The second area covered by the SHARP LYNX-16 exercise is related to the tactical training within the scope of protecting and securing the buildings and facilities. Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats and Americans jointly protected a facility, located within a forested area.  The scenario assumed that an intrusion attempt was made within the protected area, involving an unauthorized vehicle. Soldiers reacted immediately, detaining the bystanders entering the guarded terrain.


