
Armed Forces

Next phase of offset for the Rosomak’s turrets approved

  • Wizualizacja satelity µHETsat. Ilustracja: SITAEL
    Wizualizacja satelity µHETsat. Ilustracja: SITAEL

The Council of Ministers approved the offset agreement related to the supply of subcomponents for the production of HITFIST 30 turrets, designed for Rosomak armoured personnel carriers.  

Thanks to the approved agreement, WZM SA in Siemianowice Slaskie will receive from Oto Melara a licence to produce and sell the HITFIST 30 turrets to the Armed Forces and some foreign partners until the end of 2015. Furthermore, the Polish company will be providing logistical support, which includes producing and selling the spare parts within the period of 20 years.

What is more, the agreement comprises an obligation regarding construction of wastewater treatment plant that will use trinitrotoluene installation in Nitro-Chem SA Works in Bydgoszcz. On the basis of this offset agreement, the company in Bydgoszcz will receive from Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies Company technologies and equipment for the implementation of the investment, which will allow the continuation of significant production activity of the company.

The agreement approved on 19th of August by the Council of Ministers was concluded between the Oto Melara S.p.A. and the State Treasury, represented by the minister responsible for national economy. Total value of the agreement mounts up to 77.65 million euro. According to the recently adopted offset regulations, the Minister of National Defence will be responsible for the conclusion and implementation of new offset obligations, but the agreements concluded before the entry into force of new law, remain within the competence of Minister of Economy.


