

Passive Radars Reinforcing the Polish Missile Defence System. “Domestic Industry - The Potential Contractor”

PCL-PET radar - transport setting - Image Credit:
PCL-PET radar - transport setting - Image Credit: PIT-Radwar

The Armament Inspectorate announced that it is willing to carry out a technological dialogue concerning a mobile 3D passive radar. PIT-RADWAR company developed a passive PCL-PET radar system. It the system which most probably going to be a front runner in the proceedings.    

The Armament Inspectorate announced that it has initiated a technological dialogue procedure, related to a 3D passive radar, the purpose of which would be to detect and track airborne targets, with detection realized on the basis of the radar signals sent by the tracked object. This class of a radar makes it possible to observe the airspace, without emitting signals of its own (as it happens in case of the active radars), thus it is difficult for the enemy to detect a system of this type.

In Poland works on a 3D passive radar have been in progress for some time now (“multistatic passive PCL-PET radar). And this very system is a serious candidate to be selected within the aforementioned tender. The works are realized with the use of state funding, at the PIT-RADWAR company, belonging to the Polish Armament Group.

What is the purpose of the technological dialogue, and who is it for?

The goal of the current technological dialogue, which is to be carried out in two months, is to “achieve consultancy making it possible to acquire information required to prepare a description of the subject of the order” (mobile 3D passive radar). According to the announcement however, the technological dialogue is also to make it possible to assess the solutions offered by the participants. It is said that assessment of the ability “of the equipment to meet the initially defined requirements” is going to be carried out.

Even before the dialogue has been started, the Inspectorate stated that the radar shall detect the targets with the use of the PCL (Passive Coherent Location) method, define three coordinates (distance, heading and elevation) and track the airborne targets and provide the related data to the systemic environment. The Armament Inspectorate is also willing to determine the conditions pertaining the logistics, delivery certainty and training, and estimate the expected cost of the system, especially within the scope of acquisition, operation and decommissioning. The organ is also willing to create an initial procurement plan.

Passive radars may become a significant element of the Polish Integrated Air Defence system, composed out of Wisła and Narew subsystems, since this type of radar increases the system’s survivability rating. At the same time, utilization of the solutions provided by the national industry makes it possible to control and preserve the technologies used in this type of devices. PCL-PET system developed by the PIT-RADWAR company is dedicated to support the Wisła or Narew air defence suites.

The Armament Inspectorate announced that the technological dialogue is going to be carried out and officially invited the potential contractors to place their submissions. The request placing deadline is defined as 21st March 2016, while the dialogue is expected to take place in May and June. The Inspectorate permits this period to be prolonged, “should the goals defined within the technological dialogue remain unrealized”.

According to the Public Procurement Law, the Ordering Party may, but does not have to, before the procedure the aim of which is to award the potential contractor with the order, “carry out a technological dialogue, asking for consultancy or provision of information within the scope required to prepare a description of the subject of the order, terms of reference, or within the scope of the conditions of the agreement”.




