“Polish BMS” - PGZ, WB Electronics, Transbit and PIT-RADWAR Fighting For A New Command System For The Polish Army

“Polski BMS” consortium formed by the Polish Armament Group, and by the PIT-RADWAR and WB Electronics and Transbit companies which constitute a part of the group, has been created in order to offer the Battlefield Management System for the Polish Army. The product is going to be offered as a complete system and it is going to provide the Army with state-of-art technology, starting from the individual devices, finishing with the software suite, as it was stressed by Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Polish Armament Group.
Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A. became the leader of a consortium which is going to participate in the tender, the aim of which is to realize the procurement programme, pertaining the Rosomak BMS systems for the motorized battalions utilizing the Rosomak APCs. The relevant agreement has been signed by the subjects of the companies that form the consortium, at the PIT-RADWAR’s seat: Wojciech Dąbrowski of PGZ, Ryszard Kardasz of PIT-RADWAR, Dariusz Faliński – TRANSBIT’s President of the Board, and Piotr Wojciechowski, representing the WB Electronics company.
The wide collaboration of the Polish defence industry led by PGZ, with involvement of the private businesses of that sector, is to lead to creation of an offer compliant with the requirements of the Ministry of Defence. “Polski BMS” project uses the existing potential offered by the Polish companies which are already in possession of the technologies required to develop C4ISR suites (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance).
C4ISR systems are to be used to support and provide directions for the individual units on the battlefield, at every level – from platoon to division. The tender, regarding the procurement of the battle management systems at the battalion level is being realized by the Armament Inspectorate under the name of “Rosomak BMS”. The first Rosomak APCs of the Polish Armed Forces are going to be fitted with the elements of the suite as early as in 2017. The initial plans assumes that the said C4ISR system is going to become a basic equipment for five motorized battalions, however, ultimately, the suite is going to be fitted onto more than four thousand vehicles.
According to the consortium leaders, the system’s advantages stem from expertise, technological potential and security, resulting from the fact that the suite is going to use a variety of Polish solutions.
Companies that are a part of the consortium are already manufacturing world class devices, all of which will become the building blocks for the Polish BMS system. “Polski BMS” name has not been selected accidentally, since the national defence industry is going to deliver a finished and state-of-art product. (...) The Polish manufacturer additionally guarantees that the deliveries are going to be secured, modifications possible, and modernization - prospective.
Piotr Wojciechowski, president of the WB Electronics company shares the above opinion. WB Electronics has been taking part in the works, the purpose of which was to create systems for the Rosomak APC. The company also manufactures the advanced Topaz C4ISR system, used by the Polish artillery units.
Since many years we have been cooperating with the PGZ companies, within the scope of the combat vehicles integration processes. (...) What does it mean? This means that our consortium, in practical terms, is the only one that has full knowledge pertaining the construction process related to this system. Do not fall for manipulations, claiming that anybody could be better than us.
The companies that form the “Polski BMS” consortium are serious players within the armament markets, and they have accumulated rich expertise in the programmes related to communications and battlefield management processes.
PGZ – the leader, acting as a guarantor for proper integration of the system, delegated the PIT-RADWAR company to get involved in the related works. The said business is already in possession of relevant experience, since the PIT-RADWAR company already has some solutions of this type (including development and implementation) in its product portfolio. Here we mean DUNAJ, PRZELOT-SAMOC, WOŁCZENICA, ŁOWCZA/REGA or SZAFRAN BMS systems. Moreover, the said company has also accumulated a lot of experience within the scope of integrating the command systems in line with the NATO requirements, compliant with the LINK-11B, LINK-16, ADat-P3 and MIP standards.
WB Electronics, acting as the leader of the WB Group, best known for manufacturing UAVs such as the Fly-Eye systems, or FONET communications suites used on the Rosomak APCs. The company also manufactures the F@stNet radios, and the ZZKO TOPAZ fire-control suites, commonly used by the artillery units. WB Electronics company is additionally deeply involved in the TYTAN future soldier system programme.
TRANSBIT Sp. z o.o is one of the main Polish manufacturers of the Polish IT and telecommunications systems, and communications suites used in mobile and stationary communication nodes, utilized by all of the Polish Armed Forces. STORCZYK 2010 tactical communication system is the most prominent product manufactured by that company. Its compliance with the NATO standards has been proven in combat.