
Armed Forces

Polish VSHORAD Anti-Aircraft System – Test Programme Completed

  • Stacja w Alytusie wchodząca w skład LitPol Link. Fot.
    Stacja w Alytusie wchodząca w skład LitPol Link. Fot.
  • Fot. David Howard / Flickr
    Fot. David Howard / Flickr

Commission organized by the Armament Inspectorate has tested, with a positive result, the sample batch of the Poprad self-propelled VSHORAD anti aircraft systems, which has been manufactured by the PIT-RADWAR SA company – as the Armament Inspectorate reports.

Scope of the additional hand-off-acceptance examination included test firing and assessment of the remarks and recommendations contained within the “Final protocol of the commission acceptance/hand-off examination of the test lot of the POPRAD Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Systems”. It has been determined that the Poprad systems are capable of destroying moving targets and that they have been manufactured in line with the technical specification – as the Armament Inspectorate claims.

The commission consisted of the Heads of Armament of the Armament Inspectorate, Presidents of the Board of the Air- and Anti-Missile Defence of the general staff of the Inspectorate of the Armed Services from the General Command of the Armed Services, members of the 15th Regional Military Representative Office and employees of the PIT-RADWAR S.A. company. The tests have been executed within the period between 15th September and 21st November 2014. The achieved results are positive and the system has been certified to be safe to use.

The test batch consisted of two Poprad anti-aircraft systems. In total, acquisition of 79 examples is planned by the Polish army, in accordance with the “Plan of the Technical Modernization of the Armed Forces within the Period between 2013 and  2022”

Poprad system will be, according to the information available, armed with four Grom/Piorun anti aircraft missile launchers. Additional equipment would include electro-optical fire control system. All that has been embedded within a chassis of the Żubr armoured vehicle, which is being manufactured by the AMZ Kutno company. According to the information provided by colonel Adam Duda, during the meeting of the parliamentary Commission Of National Defence, which took place in October this year, the agreement regarding the purchase of this type of VSHORAD’s is planned to happen in the next year.


