

Pro Defense 2017: PIT-Radwar Awarded

Photo: PIT-Radwar.
Photo: PIT-Radwar.

The PIT-RADWAR Company, belonging to the Polish Armaments Group, has been awarded during the Pro Defense 2017 trade fairs.

On 4th June this year, which was the last day of the Pro Defense exhibition, “Leader of Innovation in the Defence and Security Domain – 2017” awards were presented by the “Promilitaria XXI” foundation and by the National Centre for Research and Development.

This year, the jury closely examined 52 projects described within the 5th edition of the “Catalogue of Innovative Solutions for Defence and Security”. The highest rating has been ascribed to the “PET/PCL Passive Radar Detection System” project, pursued by a consortium consisting of the following entities:  PIT-RADWAR S.A. (project leader), Warsaw University Of Technology and AM Technologies Polska S.A. 

The awards were presented and given away on the exhibition’s main stage by Ryszard Choroszy, President of the “Promilitaria XXI” foundation. On behalf of the PIT-RADWAR S.A company the diploma and the statuette were received by Jerzy Miłosz, Director for Research, Development and Implementation.


