
Armed Forces

Russian Army – Conscription Within The Territory Of Annexed Crimea

  • Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych - fot. MSW
    Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych - fot. MSW

Residents of the annexed Crimean Peninsula will be called for duty in the Russian Army for the first time ever – according to the editing team of „Krym. Realia” [“Crimea. Reality”].

According to the estimates, when it comes to the Russian Armed Forces, 150 thousand persons aged 18 – 27 would be called for duty until July 2015. 500 persons are to come from Crimea, and their service is to be carried out solely within the area of the peninsula.

On 30th March, Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, signed an act which defines the rules of conscription and postponement of service in the Russian Army for the residents of Crimea. The regulations became valid starting from Wednesday, 1st April 2015.

According to the new legal regulations, citizens who are not obliged to serve in the army include the residents of Crimea in possession of academic degrees generally accepted within the Russian education system and the residents who were serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 3 months postponement is available for the persons in possession of a Russian passport, who are considered to have a status of so called “forced immigrant”, staying within the territory of Crimea at the moment.


