

SERA Course in the Polish Armaments Group

  • Święto Policji: odznaczono funkcjonariuszy, którzy zatrzymali osoby podejrzanej o wysłanie fałszywych alarmów bombowych fot.
    Święto Policji: odznaczono funkcjonariuszy, którzy zatrzymali osoby podejrzanej o wysłanie fałszywych alarmów bombowych fot.

Polish Armaments Group has been hosting the participants of the SERA (Session Européenne des Responsables d’Armement/European Session for Armament Officials) course, following the invitation made by the Minister of Defence. 

The course is organized annually, by the French IHEDN institute working together with the French PM’s office. The participants of the course include representatives of the higher levels of government administration and managerial staff hailing from the defence sector companies.

This year’s 29th edition of the SERA course, taking place in Poland, has been organized as a result of collaboration established with the Polish MoD. Besides presentation of the National Defence Policy assumptions, and the current assumptions of the Polish Armed Forces Technical Modernization Plan by the representatives of the Polish Ministry of Defence, the course also included study visits at the PIT-RADWAR S.A and Rosomak S.A. companies, followed by demonstration of equipment manufactured by the HSW S.A., DEZAMET S.A. and ZM Tarnów S.A. which took place at the Nowa Dęba range.

The visits have formed a perfect opportunity to present the equipment, and to showcase the offer of the Polish Armaments Group, to a wide audience of the European defence practitioners. During the direct meeting of the representatives of the companies with the participants responsible for establishment of defence collaboration in Europe, options of establishing or continuing industrial and research collaboration were discussed, along with the issues related to acquisition of new markets where the products could be sold, beyond the European soil.

Polish Armaments Group is annually actively involved in the SERA meetings, delegating the national counsel, Jolanta Świeściak of the PGZ S.A.’s Bureau for Innovation and New Technologies, to participate in the events. Member of the Board of the PGZ S.A. company, Szczepan Ruman, and Vice-Director of the Strategy Bureau working on Analyses of the PGZ S.A. group were also invited to take part in the 29th edition of the SERA initiative.

During the sessions organized this year, the participants were involved in national and European presentations, by, inter alia: European Commission, EDA, ESA, National Armament Directors. Moreover, they attended study visits at the selected defence sector companies in France, the UK and in Poland. One of the relevant elements of the course was to prepare recommendations, concerning a myriad of cooperation-related issues, at the European level.


