

Ukraine Implements Domestically Manufactured Anti-Tank Weaponry

  • Sonda Prospector-1, ilustracja: Deep Space Industries
    Sonda Prospector-1, ilustracja: Deep Space Industries

Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine, attended an event at which demonstration of the armament and military equipment manufactured by the Ukroboronprom consortium took place. Corsar and Stugna-P anti-tank guided missiles were showcased during the event. These weapons are expected soon to be included in the inventory used by the Ukrainian Army.

The demonstration of the armament for the Ukrainian delegation involving, besides the President, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, Stepan Poltorak and Chief of the General Staff, Viktor Muzhenko, was organized on 27th April by the Ukroboronprom company. During the event, domestically manufactured armament and military equipment was presented, including the Corsar and Stugna-P ATGMs. Poroshenko announced that introduction of those systems into the inventory used by the Ukrainian Army will increase the level of safety for the Ukrainian soldiers. Information related to introduction of the Stugna-P systems have been circulated some time ago already.

Corsar ATGM, on the other hand, is an anti-tank system which may be portable, or which may be mounted on vehicles. The missile has been designed to destroy armoured vehicles, fortified targets, helicopters and UAVs. According to the manufacturer, this lightweight system (18 kilograms, where 13 kilograms is the weight of the missile) may be used to neutralize armoured targets with 550 mm armour fitted with a layer of reactive armour. The maximum range of the missile is defined as 2.5 kilometres, and duration of flight at that distance is said to be no longer than 10 seconds. The missile is laser-guided.

Stugna-P ATGM may be used against armoured targets, fortified targets, or even against hovering helicopters, at distances of up to 4 kilometres. The system utilizes laser guided RK-2 missiles with calibres ranging from 130 to 155 mm. The missile may use two types of warhead, namely tandem anti-tank warhead or fragmentation-HE warhead. According to the manufacturer, Stugna-P missile is capable of penetrating armour with thickness of up to 800 millimetres.

80 mm mortar prototypes were also showcased during the event, along with an automated KBA-117 grenade launcher, BMP-1 UM vehicle, modernized BM-21 Grad rocket launch system (Verba) and Anser UAV. Moreover, Poroshenko handed off a 120 mm M120-15 Molot mortar for use by the army.


