
Armed Forces

14 Offers In The Programme, The Aim Of Which Is To Select The Successor of the Honker Vehicle

The Armament Inspectorate announced that the release regarding the public procurement procedure, the aim of which is to deliver passenger-heavy goods vehicle with high mobility, a.k.a. Mustang, received 14 offers in reply. The new vehicles are going to replace the Honker cars which are being currently utilized by the Polish Army.

A lot of companies have expressed their interest. This is because the procedure, which is being carried out in line with the Public procurement law, concerns delivery of 882 examples of the high-mobility passenger/heavy goods vehicles in two variants: non-armoured (841 examples) and armoured one (41 examples). The whole procurement is planned to be realized between 2016 and 2022.

The Armament Inspectorate received 14 requests. This number is lower than the number of companies which were involved in the technical dialogue. However, some of the requests regarding the acceptance of the offer in the procedure, were placed by several companies. Thus, the number of the competing companies and enterprises may go up.

According to the information provided to Defence24 by Lt. Col. Małgorzata Ossolińska, spokesperson of the Armament Inspectorate, the following companies have submitted their applications:

  1. Edison Polska consortium from Gdansk;
  2. Zeszuta Company from Warsaw;
  3. SZCZĘŚNIAK Pojazdy Specjalne company from Bielsko-Biała;
  4. WAWRZASZEK ISS Limited Partnership from Bielsko-Biała;
  5. POLISH DEFENCE HOLDING company from Warsaw and Concept company from Bielsko-Biała (joint application);
  6. AUTOBOX company from Starachoowice, AUTO SPECIAL company from Modlinica and STEELER Marcin Piasecki company from Sokółka (joint application);
  7. URSUS company from Lublin and AMZ-KUTNO company from Kutno (joint application);
  8. Renault Trucks Defense company from France;
  9. WB ELECTRONICS S.A. company from Ożarów Mazowiecki and RADMOR Company from Gdynia, together with the AYCOMM company from Warsaw (joint application);
  10. Honker company from Lublin, along with the Military Institute of Armament Technology from Zielonka (joint application);
  11. Polish Armament Group from Radom with Military Automotive Works from Poznan (joint application);
  12. FRANZ ACHLEITNER Fahrzeugbau und Reifenzentrum GMBH company from Wörgl in Austria and MULTIMOTORS company from Warsaw (joint application).
  13. Warsaw-based MMC Consulting s.c. company and AM General LLC company based in Arlington, US (joint application);
  14. JLR Warszawa company from Warsaw.

The request placing deadline expired on 8th September 2015, however, the acceptance period was prolonged by the Armament Inspectorate until 8th October, due to the number of the submitted questions.

Still, the detailed specification of the subject-matter of the procurement has not been revealed to the public, it would be only provided for the contractors invited to place their initial offers. We know though, that it is planned that the vehicle is going to be acquired in two body variants:

  • armoured one, capable of carrying four persons plus the driver, with load capacity of 600 kg;
  • non-armoured variant, characterized with maximum total permissible weight which would not exceed 3500 kilograms, with a load capacity of 1000 kilograms.

The Armament Inspectorate did not approve the proposal to make it possible to transport less persons in the armoured variant, which has been placed by one of the companies.

All of the supplied vehicles are to be new and they should be fitted with a 4x4 drivetrain and a diesel engine, with power output of at least 35 kilowatts per tonne. They should be capable of overcoming at least 0.5 m deep water obstacles by wading (without any preparations) or at least 0.65 m deep water obstacles, with prior preparation. Finally, the new vehicles should feature a hoist with a pulling strength of at least 100% of TTPM, with at least 25 m long cable.


