

Adam Lesiński Appointed to the PGZ Management

  • Image Credit: Defence24
    Image Credit: Defence24
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Supervisory Board of the Polish Armaments Group appointed Adam Lesinski to become a member of the Management Board of the company.

Adam Lesinski has been appointed to the Supervisory Board of the Polish Armaments Group on Wednesday, 16th November. Up until now he has been working at the position of the President of the Board of the MS Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., belonging to the Polish Armaments Group. He resigned from that function. 

The new member of the PGZ Management has accumulated more than 10 years of professional experience in several areas. He was working at managerial positions, including the post of President of the Board. Taking the job of the President at MSI TFI S.A., from 20th January this year, he has been focused on maximizing the value of the owned assets through implementation of repair actions and investment initiatives, and through utilization of synergy between the portfolio companies. Before that, Lesinski was working at Mostostal Warszawa SA, Paged SA, Libella Sp. z o.o. (President of the BoardGeneral Director), Premium Food Restaurant SA (Director of FinancesMember of the Board) or Harper Hygienics SA.

He obtained his MA Degree at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. Lesinski has also a post-graduate degree from the Kozminski University and from the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). Throughout his career, he has been dealing with preparation of, inter alia, financial models and creation and analysis of the budget implementation, control of costs within new investment, and also, he provided corporate governance over the companies of a holding entity. Furthermore, Lesinski has been involved in numerous restructuring initiatives, and projects, the aim of which was to prepare the companies or firms for an IPO. He is in possession of knowledge related to business valuation concerning the limited companies, financial controlling and management.

Initially brought to life back in December 2015, the management board of the Polish Armaments Group, was formed by three persons: President Arkadiusz Siwko and members of the board: Maciej Lew-Mirski and Radosław Obolewski. Radosław Obolewski left the management board of the company in September 2016.


