Counter CBRN Systems for the Mobile Robots at Roboscope 2016 Conference
Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP) and the “Sprzymierzeni z GROM” [Allied with GROM] foundation, have organized the third International RoboScope 2016 Seminar. This year’s meeting covered the CBRN threats and the options of using the state of the art technologies for the purpose of recognizing and neutralizing such hazards.
CBRNE and bomb threat professionals, during this year’s edition of the event, had a chance of getting acquainted with the latest technologies and trends. The event also allowed them to take part in discussion covering the issue of practical solutions which could potentially raise the level of safety in such operations.
RoboScope®2016, similarly as the previous editions, places an emphasis on practical use of mobile robots. During the event, not only have new robotic designs been presented, as CRBNE operational hardware was also being showcased.
The exercise organized later was to perfect the skills covering the cooperation of two robots, destruction and neutralization of IEDs (involving the robots), carrying out reconnaissance operation in limited visibility conditions, operation of the robot fitted with the CRBNE accessories, and injured sapper extraction operation, involving the robot. Co-Organizer of the exercise – Automotive Industry Institute – has presented a Mobile Evacuation Platform and a Multifunctional Special Purpose Vehicle. The participants also could take part in a first aid training course.
Within the framework of the RoboScope meeting, a series of lectures was organized covering the topic of the CRBNE threats, with lectures given by the representatives of the Polish Police HQ, Polish Police Training Centre, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, DEA, or the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP).
RoboScope® 2016 Seminar involved 140 experts, mainly including the professionals of the services responsible for defence and security, as well as experts, representing the leading research institutions.
The event has been supported by the following subjects and entities: Minister of Defence, Chief Police Commander, Chief of the National Security Bureau, Chief Commander of the Border Guard, Chief Commander of the Polish State Fire Service, Minister of Development, President of the Industrial Development Agency and Minister of Science and Higher Education.