Territorial Defence Forces
General Gocuł Thanks His Soldiers. “We are an important link of NATO”

Chief of the Polish Army’s General Staff, General Mieczysław Gocuł, expressed his gratitude for the soldiers, who have served under his command. The term of office of the current Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army, General Mieczysław Gocuł, comes to an end on 31st January, as General is headed towards retirement.
Gocuł has been serving at this position since 7th May 2013. Chief of the General Staff is leaving at his own request, despite the fact that he was appointed for the second term of office back in May 2016. Several days before being transferred to the Reserves, General Gocuł thanked the soldiers who were his subordinates.
The Polish Armed Forces have gone through a huge transformation, throughout the preceding years. The changes have been well embedded within the dynamics of the processes taking place in the international security environment. Moreover, conditions of service and mentality of the soldiers, structure and organization of the Army, as well as the technologies utilized within it, have also been changed. NATO membership, involvement in the Iraqi and Afghan deployments, as well as the processes of modernization and professionalization, altogether had a significant impact on the contemporary shape of the Polish Army. We are an important link of NATO in common Europe. This is an effect of our joint effort.
In his acknowledgement, Gocuł noted that major transformations have taken place, during the 30 years he has spent in the Polish Army. Service conditions have been changed (professionalization of the Army), and the equipment has been modernized.
General also stressed that “Polish Army is formed by the people.During my service, I have always believed that people are the most important”. In the light of the above, Gocuł calls for following the soldier ethos, cultivation of the memories and taking care of the proud traditions. “Spark enthusiasm within yourself, to serve for the good of Poland” - as Gocuł stated.
By acknowledging your cooperation, I would like to ask you to remember that service, wearing the uniform of the Polish soldier, is a peculiar experience and a special honour. It is an honour based on universal values and beliefs. Serving under the white-red flag, being faithful to the oath, our colleagues have often been losing their lives.
At the end of the year 2016, changes have taken place within the top segment of the hierarchy in the Polish Army. General Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, General Miroslaw Różański PhD, and Head of the Polish Armament Inspectorate, Brig. General Adam Duda, have both resigned. On 1st January, the term of office of the Operational Commander of the Armed Forces, General Marek Tomaszycki, also came to an end. He was replaced by General Sławomir Wojciechowski.
Some information emerged, suggesting that General Leszek Surawski, currently acting as the General Commander of the Armed Forces, could become the Chief of the Polish Army’s General Staff.