
Works within V4 Group are very important for Poland. Especially in the context of the ongoing process of professionalization of the armed forces it is essential for us to establish concrete cooperation in the field of armament expressed not only in declarations but also, first of all in executing common initiatives.

Minister Czesław Mroczek

He emphasised how significant the precise defining of national needs within works on particular projects is. He also proposed signing letter of intent referring to launching the project of common universal modular caterpillar platform. From the point of view of realisation it is the most prospective project as V4 states are looking for a successor of the worn-out infantry combat vehicles, says Lt. Col Szczepan Głuszczak.

In the afternoon representatives of Visegrad Group met with Chief of European Defence Agency Claude-France Arnould. The talks concerned among other things matters connected with works of EDA and European Commission carried out within defence industry and defence market, choosing EDA management and reviewing decisions of EU Council on establishing EDA. Important topics for V4 region were also raised. Poland expressed its interest in international project of providing armed forces with capabilities of air-to-air refueling, strategic air transport and medical evacuation realised by MRTT fleet.

Director of Armament Policy Department of Polish Ministry of National Defence Brig. Gen. Włodziemierz Nowak also participated in the meetings. The other states were represented by: Deputy Defence Minister of the Czech Republic for armament purchase Bohuslav Dvorak, Director of Department of Armament and Resources Control, Deputy of National Director for Armament of Hungary Brig. Gen. Jstvan Filotas and advisor to National Director for Armament of Slovakia Milan Celko.


