Łukasiewicz-PIAP to Expand Onto the Foreign Markets

Mobile robots developed at Łukasiewicz Research Network - Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements - PIAP have been procured by customers from 22 countries so far. In spite of the unquestionable success above, the management is still taking steps towards the expansion of the PIAP’s foreign market footprint.
The launch of the website in many languages is one of the actions undertaken by Łukasiewicz-PIAP for that purpose. Apart from English, other languages include Arabic, French, and Spanish. This allows the manufacturer to showcase the Polish C-IED and recce robots offer to an expansive audience. Social media content published by Łukasiewicz-PIAP is also available in the aforesaid languages now.
Even though a page in English or French language may seem to be a golden standard, the marketing department of Łukasiewicz-PIAP also decided, interestingly, to create websites in Spanish, and Arabic. The latter step is justified - we have already been mentioning this when covering the IDEX 2021 or Milipol Qatar 2021 events. It makes it possible for PIAP to reach a dynamically developing market.

The Middle East has always been an importer of the western armament. Nonetheless, the states in the region - UAE and Saudi Arabia in particular - are not keen on being completely dependent on foreign suppliers. They have launched a dynamic effort aimed at the development of the capabilities of their own defence industry. This, meanwhile, means that opportunities may present themselves, for working with foreign businesses.
Let us recall that Qatar would also be a venue where the final tournament of the football World Cup would be taking place - this is the first time event as such is held in the Middle East. It is also one of the reasons why major homeland security investments are being made in the region. The experts expect the Middle-Eastern homeland security market to have a value of USD 19.7 billion by the end of 2022.
Advanced technologies remain a key domain in the debate concerning security in the Middle East (both when it comes to the military equipment as understood usually, as well as when it comes to homeland security matters). Hence the drive to support domains such as robotics, biometrics, C5ISR, Big Data analytics, 5G, and AI.

A broad offer of unmanned systems was presented during the Milipol Qatar, and IDEX 2021 events. Unmanned land platforms are one of the domains in which Poland thrives - Łukasiewicz-PIAP being the leader in this sector. One should recall the fact that the Polish Armed Forces currently operate the following PIAP mobile robots: Inspector, Expert, TRM, PIAP GRYF, IBIS, LRP “Balsa”, and the latest RPP platform. Polish uniformed services: Police, Border Guard, and Fire Department, all utilize PIAP robots as well.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has procured the PIAP Scout robots, Lebanon has acquired the PIAP Gryf platform, TRM robots meanwhile have been purchased by Israel and UAE.
Even though Łukasiewicz-PIAP has been successful in competing against robot manufacturers globally, we can see, based on the marketing actions undertaken, the Institute is working continuously on tools that are designed to extend the gap, between PIAP and the competitors. Even the best products will not sell themselves - without a relevant marketing campaign it would go by unnoticed.