

Modernized Mi-2MSB Reaches an Altitude of 7 Kilometres

  • Wizja artystyczna chińskiej głowicy hipersonicznej, ilustracja. 果壳军事/Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
    Wizja artystyczna chińskiej głowicy hipersonicznej, ilustracja. 果壳军事/Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

MI-2MSB helicopter, modernized by the Ukrainian Motor Sich facility, reached, an altitude of 7 thousand meters during a test flight. The rotary-winged aircraft in question has been fitted with the new AI-450M engines, manufactured by Motor Sich. 

During a test flight, Mi-2MSB helicopter spent an hour in the air, climbing to an altitude exceeding 7 thousand meters. Upgraded AI-450M engines were developed with wide application of ceramic technologies, thanks to which the weight of the engines is significantly lower. At the same time, the new power-plant offers much better performance. Standard Mi-2 helicopter uses a set of Russian-made GTD-350 turbines, with the use of which the helicopter is capable of, as the available information suggests, reaching altitudes of around 4 thousand meters.

The manufacturer claims that fuel consumption has been reduced by 30-50%. Horizontal flight speed was increased by 10% at low altitudes, and up to 30% speed increase has been observed at altitudes above 2 thousand meters. The new engines offer vastly improved performance, in comparison with the GTD-350 turbines, especially at high altitudes and in high temperatures, which has always been a problematic issue for the Mi-2 helicopter.

AI-450M engines manufactured by Motor Sich deliver 465 horse power each. At the same time, they are 25 kilograms lighter than the GTD-450 turbines which deliver 400 HP of power output. This translates into reduced weight of the helicopter which is better balanced, and has more power at its disposal, allowing it to carry more payload.

Mi-2MSB is yet another engine replacement and modernization programme for the post-Soviet helicopters, following the Mi-8MSB project. Mi-2 is still quite commonly used around the world. Mi-2 helicopter was manufactured by the PZL Świdnik company which delivered more than 5400 examples. Many of the Mi-2 rotor-craft are being operated by the Polish Armed Forces or uniformed services, such as the Border Guard or Police. Thus, since some time now, Motor Sich company has been trying to gain attention of the PZL Świdnik facility, or of the Polish Ministry of Defence, or of the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. 


