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Polish Air Defence Radars to Undergo Upgrades

Image Credit: 9BKPanc
Image Credit: 9BKPanc

PIT-RADWAR signed an agreement with the Armament Inspectorate of the Polish MoD, covering the delivery of 6 upgraded NUR-21 radars. The contract has a value of PLN 114.7 million (gross). It is to be finalized between 2019 and 2023. NUR-21 radars on tracked platforms have been introduced into service in 1984, and they are being used by the air defence units of the Polish land component.

The contract signed on 2nd August 2019, by and between the PIT-RADWAR company (a part of the PGZ Group) and the Armament Inspectorate, covers modernization of six NUR-21 radars and personnel training. All of the above is complemented by a logistics package.

The agreement bears a relevant meaning for maintaining the availability of the equipment operated by the Polish military. It is at the same time an example of abilities that the PIT-RADWAR company offers, at any stage of the product lifecycle - from the moment of defining the requirements, through logistical support, finishing with modernization.

Dr Krzysztof Kluza, President of the Management Board PIT-RADWAR S.A.
NUR-21 - Operational setting. Image Credit: PIT-RADWAR

33 NUR-21 radars were received by the Polish Armed Forces between 1984 and 1990. Considering the fact that NUR-21 radars are based on the SPG-1M platform sharing many of its components with the T-72 main battle tanks, NUR-21s were primarily used by the air defence elements of land forces: mechanized and armoured units above all.

SPG-1M chassis was developed by OBRUM. It features light armour and it integrates all systems required by the radar for autonomous operation. The radar may be deployed in several minutes, allowing for detection, tracking and identification of air threats. The radar operates in the S-band and has instrumental range of 100 kilometers. NUR-22 Izabela was a development of the NUR-21 radar. It was based on Tatra 815 wheeled platform, used, for instance, in case of the wz. 77 Dana self-propelled howitzers. However, only 8 examples of NUR-22 radars were delivered betwesn 1998 and 2003. Both types of radars are operated in parallel, with similar missions. 


