
Territorial Defence Forces

Polish Army Acquires Laser Engagement Simulators

  • Fot. US. Marine Corps /Cpl. Aaron Henson
    Fot. US. Marine Corps /Cpl. Aaron Henson

Wrocław Military Academy of Land Forces is willing to acquire a battlefield engagement simulator, in a form of a laser shooting system. The suite is to be acquired along with the setup and training services, all decicated for the staff and for the users. The purchase is being realized as an open procurement.

The Ordering Party authorizes the contractors who have realized at least three orders pertaining the laser shooting simulation systems for the firearms to submit their offers. The aforementioned orders shall have had a value of at least 800 thousand zlotys each, or, alternatively, the potential contractor shall have realized at least three deliveries covering the laser shooting simulators for the firearms, the value of which was contained in an amount of PLN 2.4 million.

The offer which has the best value will be selected. The assessment is composed out of the following components: price (60%), guarantee term (10%) and quality (30%).

The procurement is going to be financed with the use of the assets provided within the scope of a specific grant which is to be used for realization of the investment purchases undertaken by the Polish Ministry of Defence, on the basis of the Polish Army Technical Modernization Plan for the term between 2016 and 2017. The estimated value of the procurement is contained in an amount exceeding the sum of PLN 2.6 million, while the delivery term is not to be longer than 12 months.

The order includes acquisition of 60 individual radio transmission modules for the soldiers, 44 examples of similar equipment for the Beryl assault carbines, six for the PK/UKM general purpose machine guns, six laser simulators for the RPG-7 anti-tank grenade launchers, two sets of laser radiation sensors for vehicles, 12 hand grenade simulators, training management module, two instructor supervision devices, a kit used for instrumentation of rooms along with a training package. The system will be usable during the field training operations.

The LSS Laser Shooting Simulator, which is to be acquired as a result of the order, is to be used in case of the field exercises. Application of such suite makes it possible to organize exercises in conditions that, within the maximum achievable scope, replicate the real battlefield conditions. The trainees use tactics and skills identical to those used during the real battle.

Giewont Complex Laser Range System may be considered to be a prime example of a laser engagement simulator. The Polish Army also utilizes the Czantoria LSS systems.


