Polish Military Acquires Apis-2 Containerized Decontamination Stations

Jelcz 662.D43 without bodywork. Image Credit: Jelcz
Jelcz 662.D43 without bodywork. Image Credit: Jelcz

As announced by the Armament Inspectorate of the Polish Ministry of Defence, procurement procedure concerning the KZdOL Apis-2 “containerized human decontamination systems” has come to an end. This equipment is to be ultimately placed in the inventory of the chemical branch of the Polish military.

Delivery of 26 KZdOL Apis-2 systems was a subject to the tender initiated on 5th April 2018 (procurement of 20 examples was guaranteed, 6 were a subject to optional acquisition). The procurement procedure in question was preceded by a technical dialogue that began on 22nd August 2016, as a necessity emerged to acquire systems as such. The bids were opened in line with the schedule - on 31st January 2020. The only bid placed and qualified was submitted by a consortium formed by the Janusz Kania Agregaty PEX-POOL PLUS business based in Dębica and by the Lubawa Group based in Ostrów Wielkopolska. The bid received the highest rating possible: 100 points. Price (90 points) and guarantee (10 points) were considered in the bid assessment.

As the bidder has been successfully selected, the conclusion of the agreement may be expected soon. The guaranteed portion of the deal (20 examples) has a price tag exceeding 32.27 million zlotys (gross), while the delivery deadline and personnel training completion deadline have been set, respectively, on 30th November 2021 and 30th November 2022.

KZdOL Apis-2 is a mobile decontamination unit that consists of a container and extra equipment, such as tents, electricity generators and comms suite. Everything is integrated on a wheeled carrier (Jelcz 662.D43 being the preferred platform). The system is to allow for provision of medical aid and liquidation of CRBN contamination. The system is also expected to be capable of decontaminating up to 48 troops with full gear per hour.

