Strona główna
Strategic Cyber Forum – CyberDefence24 Day

A delegation of the Warsaw Institute attended the first-ever edition of the Strategic Cyber Forum, an event that took place in Warsaw on October 1, 2019. Hosted by Defence 24, the meeting served as a platform for a discussion on cybersecurity issues at the time of the technological revolution spreading worldwide between businesspeople and governmental officials, as well as experts and market commentators.
The choosing of the date was not incidental – at the initiative of the European Commission, and precisely the European Union Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), October marks across the continent the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM). Throughout this time, EU Member States host initiatives and events that seek to raise social awareness of cybersecurity and modern technologies.
The Polish meeting was coordinated by the Polish research agency NASK and held under the honorable patronage of the Polish Prime Minister, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, as well as the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
The Strategic Cyber Forum consisted of two discussion panels that brought together several dozen people interested in the topic. In his opening remarks, the head of Poland’s National Security Bureau Paweł Soloch highlighted a leading role of efforts made to coordinate national cybersecurity analyses on the international level. Among the practices cited as proper were these promoted by the Visegrad Group, the Three Seas Initiative, and those followed by the so-called Bucharest Nine. On the meeting agenda was also the urge for establishing the Digital Single Market, with Poland serving a vital role in this endeavor.
At discussion panels, attention was also drawn to the fact that Poland is striving for a federal model of cybersecurity management, with ever-closer cooperation between the state administration and the business sector as a critical driver. All said matters have become part of the latest draft of the National Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic for Poland for 2019–2024.
The Strategic Cyber Forum opened up an opportunity to take an insight into the top challenges currently faced by the security sector. These include the protection of critical infrastructure, the need for co-setting a cybersecurity ecosystem, and the key cooperation between the state administration and private enterprises.