
Air Force

Drones Designed by PGZ and the Air Force Institute of Technology Delivered to Dęblin

  • Moduł Cupola, Fot. ESA/NASA
    Moduł Cupola, Fot. ESA/NASA

Neox and Atrax UAV systems manufactured by a consortium formed by PGZ S.A. and the Air Force Institute of Technology, became a part of inventory of the Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin. The drones in question had also gone through a flight test programme.

Neox and Atrax micro-UAV systems have been acquired by the Dęblin “School of Eaglets” in an open tender. However, it was quite some time earlier, when at the end of October the said UAV systems had gone through a handing-off/over test programme, in the air and on the ground. These are the first UAV systems were manufactured under guidance of the Air Platforms Bureau of the PGZ company.

Two UAV systems featuring 3 Neox airframes, 1 package with two Atrax rotorcraft and four Ground Control Stations with antenna systems and payload are all going to be delivered to Dęblin. The deliveries also include several EO/IR systems.

Procurement of the UAV systems by the Polish Air Force Academy, systems which are, in 100%, manufactured by the Polish industry proves that the domestic defence industry has a vast potential remaining at its disposal within that scope.

President of the Management Board of the Polish Armaments Group, Arkadiusz Siwko

As it was stressed by PGZ’s Arkadiusz Siwko, unmanned aerial platforms constitute a new field of development for the Polish Armaments Group. The Group assumes that effort within that scope is going to be intensified, which includes implementation, enhancement of technology and R&D works.

READ MORE: PGZ Showcases Its UAV Offer

The UAV systems manufactured by a consortium formed by PGZ and the Air Force Institute of Technology (ITWL) will be used at the Polish Air Force Academy for the purpose of training the UAV operators of the Polish Armed Forces. Soldiers hailing from NATO member states could also make use of the newly established training facility. 








