Another Modernization of the Polish Military in the ICT Domain

No contemporary Army could ever effectively operate without good and proven IT solutions. JAŚMIN [JASMINE] software suite belongs in this group of products. This software, in large quantities, has been successfully operated by the Polish Armed Forces. The above also includes foreign deployments – writes Łukasz Apiecionek, PhD, Head of the Innovative IT Technologies Department at Teldat, Assistant Professor and head of the Network Systems Laboratory at the IT Department of the Institute of Technique of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz.
TELDAT, the manufacturer of the Jasmine system, has efficiently implemented an agreement in July 2018, concerning unlimited/broad military use of the HMS C3IS JASMINE suite domestically an abroad with the Polish Armed Forces. This was done without any remarks submitted by the military. JASMINE is defined as an automated system for battle management at Corps, Division, Brigade and Regiment levels. Another important issue is the fact that this specialist Polish software suite which is mature and one of its kind, and that can be operated on mobile platforms, is one of the primary software modules of the SWD C3IS JASMINE solution (reputable – domestically and abroad – unique and complex, broadly operated automated BMS systems’ system, used at all C2 levels, down to the level of the individual soldier). The solution in question received the DEFENDER award during the MSPO 2018 defence industry exhibition. It was the only distinction of this type received by a product belonging to the group: command, comms IT, recon and military geography.

This means that numerous, equally innovative, unified, coherent and unique Polish systems also received this award. This concerns software components of the above-mentioned system of the systems. The primary operational feature of those comes in a form of a fact that, in essence, they include numerous functions of the HMS C3IS JASMINE solution. This concerns in particular the first of the systems listed below:
- BMS C3IS JASMINE – Automated Battalion, Company, Platoon and Squad Battle Management System;
- DSS C3IS JASMINE – Automated Soldier Battle Management System;
- JFFS C3IS JASMINE – Automated Data Exchange System for Joint Fire Supports, including JTACs;
- SZK C3IS JASMINE – Automated Crisis Management System.

SWD C3IS JASMINE, including its subsystems listed above, also received 15 other prestigious awards and distinctions, numerous certificates and requirements and standards compliance confirmations and positive ratings. These include proper certifications issued by the Polish Armed Forces and NATO, This type of important distinctions have not been awarded to any other of the Polish military products belonging to the class. The aforesaid solutions also do not have any operational testimonials issued by the War Studies University (Formerly known as the National Defence University), contrary to the JASMINE suite.

Starting from September this year the discussed military IT company has also, in a flawless manner, been implementing modification of 40 stationary and portable integrated JAŚMIN - ZWT JAŚMIN ICT nodes. This includes a complementary addition to composition of some of these systems that have already been used in combat. The use of ICT nodes dates back to the first deliveries made by TELDAT flawlessly many years ago. This has also been confirmed by numerous testimonials issued by the Armament Inspectorate, and the previously existing Procurement Department of the MoD. At the moment, the modification of those solutions constitutes a continuation of the process launched a few years ago. It is planned to last until 2019.

All of the products listed above (software and hardware) have been designed to be used for specific purposes by the military. They underwent a broad test programme (at laboratories and in field, domestically and at the allied ranges). Furthermore, once manufacturing began, they were still being independently developed by the Teldat company, with involvement of the largest and the most experienced team of the Polish military IT engineers working there. The company also owns the technical documentation of that military equipment that also includes the software.
These products have been operated for years by the Polish Armed Forces, also during the critically important military undertakings initiated on the foreign land. The JASMINE suite enjoys positive opinions of the users, and that includes the NATO allies. The products in question also received a uniquely high number of prestigious awards and distinctions issued by the President of Poland, Head of the MoD and by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (with the latter one awarded in 2016). These specialist solutions are derived from the net-centric JASMINE ICT platform - a unique, complex, unified and fully coherent package of systems, hardware and software designed for the military IT domain. The latest generation of this package, including JASMINE BMS, was being showcased extensively, also during this year’s edition of the MSPO event. The suite also includes onboard equipment, including computer terminals, designed for vehicular applications. The hardware of this kind is the smallest, lightest and has the smallest power consumption specs. It also ensures a proper protection of confidential information. Devices contained in the system are damage and weather resistant, also offering full coherence with the command and operations support system designed to be tailored with them, such as the BMS C3IS JAŚMIN [JASMINE] suite.

Czytaj też: JAŚMIN BMS Suite Awarded Again
Numerous of the JASMINE platform solutions (HMS C3IS JASMINE and ZWT JASMINE) have been successfully operated, just recently, also within the scope of security, during the following exercises: NATO CWIX, Bold Quest, ALLIED SPIRIT VIII, COMBINED RESOLVE X and SABER STRIKE. Another large scale test is expected to happen during this year’s ANAKONDA-18 allied training operation.

Within the aforesaid scope, it shall be underlined that 22 years of active and efficient business operations undertaken by TELDAT, as well as the company’s successes achieved in the domain, play an important part in development of the command support, military operations support and communication systems – and this also applies to the allied dimension. All of the aforesaid developments made it possible for Poland to find itself among the NATO domain leaders. Never before did circumstances as such occur. This also contributed to the growth of the Poland’s and Polish brand’s reputation globally.
TELDAT also received numerous distinctions concerning these achievements, including the Polish Defence Industry Leader Award - only a few entities in the domain have received this honor so far. Numerous awards as such concerned the most technologically advanced products enhancing the safety of the individual soldiers. Other solutions as such, in the field of automated command and support systems, did not even get a single distinction as such. Only in 2018, the Bydgoszcz-based manufacturer received:
- Another MoD award (for a design of Innovative Wireless System for Management of Controlled Anti-Armour/Anti-Vehicle Explosives);
- CID JASMINE Server received a NATO CIAV recommendation to be operationally used within the allied forces (this also includes the CID C3IS JASMINE software that is a part of the award-winning SWD C3IS JASMINE suite). It is also the only Polish solution in this area that received this important distinction;
- SWD C3IS JASMINE suite received the DEFENDER distinction during the MSPO 2018 exhibition in Kielce, awarded by a jury involving prominent representatives of the following bodies: President’s and PM Offices, Polish Ministry of Defence, Polish Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior and Administration, Internal Security Agency, Border Guard, Military Police, Police and the Air Force;
- “Meritorious for the Polish Exports” medal awarded for the first time, to a Polish defense company, under the patronage of the Polish MFA and Ministries responsible for entrepreneurship and technologies. This distinction is related to the growing export sales the TELDAT company enjoys on the global market. It also confirms the company’s professionalism and market effectiveness. Finally, had it not been for high quality and ratings the products receive, all of the above would not have been possible. The products are technologically and functionally derived from the JASMINE platform and have been, since some years now, used in the latest generation Patriot systems by numerous allied forces. Further implementation is ongoing in other foreign Armed Forces as well.
- Raytheon Global and Raytheon IDS awards for flawless performance of the delivery of the aforesaid ICT hardware for the Patriot systems that happened in 2018. This is also the first case of a Polish defence company receiving those.
- Innovative Company for National Security award, for innovative nature of the offered products, a broad range of competencies and credentials. This distinction was awarded within the framework of a competition held under the honorary patronage of the Head of the National Security Bureau;
- Distinction awarded for Special Achievementsin Perfecting the Quality Management Systems, also, for the first time received by a defense company, within the framework of a competition under the honorary patronage of the Head of the National Security Bureau.

Łukasz Apiecionek, PhD, Head of the Innovative IT Technologies Department at Teldat, Assistant Professor and head of the Network Systems Laboratory at the IT Department of the Institute of Technique of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz