Poland Receives Abrams Tanks and MRAP from US

Photo. Paweł Bejda MP's X.com account
The Armament Agency, along with the Deputy Head of the Polish Ministry of Defence Paweł Bejda, announced that a large shipment of equipment procured in the US has just been delivered.
The shipment was unloaded in Świnoujście, and it included a batch of 29 M1A1FEP (Firepower Enhancement Package) Abrams main battle tanks and 79 M1240A1 M-ATVs (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected - All Terrain Vehicle). The latter have been procured within the framework of the EDA (Excess Defense Articles) procedure.
Populacja czołgów #Abrams rośnie! W rok po podpisaniu umowy, do 🇵🇱 przybyła już trzecia transza amerykańskich czołgów #M1A1 złożona z 29 pojazdów. Wraz z nimi do Polski dotarły minoodporne pojazdy typu #MRAP - 79 szt. M-ATV.
— Agencja Uzbrojenia (@AgencjaUzbr) January 8, 2024
📷kpr. Wojciech Królhttps://t.co/BRzfTV0BnR pic.twitter.com/HxrFRlpJyl
This would mean that the Polish Army is already operating 69 M1A1FEP main battle tanks - so it has a full battalion of 58 tanks, along with a part of a company of the second battalion which needs three extra MBTs to be complete. Consumables supply was also delivered, along with the MBTs.
Nowy rok – nowe dostawy. Trwa rozładunek 29 czołgów M1A1 Abrams, a wraz z nimi – 79 opancerzonych pojazdów typu MRAP – M-ATV. W tym roku kończymy całość dostaw M1A1. Spoglądając w przyszłość, oczekujemy dostaw czołgów w jednej z najnowocześniejszych wersji – M1A2 pic.twitter.com/dicEuqAx5o
— Paweł Bejda (@pawelbejda) January 8, 2024
When it comes to the M-ATV platform, 45 such vehicles have been operated by the SOF component so far. With another 79 being delivered, the total number of M-ATVs in possession of the Polish military would go up to 124. A release issued by the Armament Agency suggests that the newly delivered vehicles are to be received by the Army.
The M1 Abrams MBTs are manufactured by General Dynamics Land Systems, while the M1240A1 M-ATVs are manufactured by Oshkosh Defense.
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